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Emma is a snow shoe siamese. We went to the humane society to get her, she came with another cat they are a bonded pair. Emma has been with us now for about a month. There might be a problem. She hits us and bites. We do not know what we are doing to receive this. We have and love our people. We would never mistreat any creature, we let her in the table, feed her well and she loves to be brushed, but while doing any of these actions we can be attacked. Does anyone have any ideas, we want her to be happy, we love her, we want to understand. All replies accepted and thank you for your time and efforts.

dalefvictor 8 May 8
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Not sure if this behavior is still a problem or not. You might check out some books by Jackson Galaxy (from Animal Planet's "My Cat From Hell" ). He frequently addresses feline aggression and fear behavior.

Off the cuff, you might try some hands off play with her, to help her spend pent up energy. I attached catnip mice to the line on a child's fish pole, resulting in lots if chasing by my cats.

Zster Level 8 May 12, 2018

I had a feral cat as a friend who would visit me each night at dinner and after a while he would let me pet him. I could tell that he had been abused, probably beaten or hit before he knew me. He would eat dinner and let me touch and pet him but every so often he would swat me or bite me. I thought of it as PTSD for cats, he couldn't forget the previous pain and would lash out at anyone close. Maybe this is what your cat is experiencing too. She might be nervous about being too close and trying to keep a distance or aloofness to protect herself. I've had success with holding them while they are still on the ground, sort of like a hug with one hand, then with two hands after a few days. Short amounts and creating longer times at the hug until they let you pick them up. Good luck and I hope you succeed.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 11, 2018

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