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I know i know. You’re all probably tired of my kitty pics by now. But I’d like to introduce you to the kitties at my work with whom I share office space. Marty, and , and Rosie, , think they are helpful office aides but really they tend to make work a little challenging. Rosie has been in resident there for over 10 years. Marty is a new addition and came from the local cat sanctuary. He’s quite a character; he loves everyone whether human, cat, or dog.

graceylou 8 June 5
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China looked like your black and white. Called her China since she was always trying to get and dig into places. Great alpha, loved spaghetti and salad with Newman's dressing. It has anchovies. All the black cats we have had have been long haired. Now have five, Rocky, a Maine Coon, 18 yrs, Jack, black long hair, came to our back door many years ago, about 14, Lilly, mostly Ejyptian Mau, about 10, Ozzy, 5 yr. old, short ?, very pretty colorings, and Emma, 5 yr. old snow shoe siamese. Emma and Ozzy have been with us for about three months. All get along great small apt.

Sounds like a fun bunch.


I like the over the shoulder perch. Proofreading?

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 5, 2018

Rosie likes to climb on people’s shoulders and backs.


They're so cute!

RavenCT Level 9 June 5, 2018

I really don't believe anybody that's a member of this group can get tired of cat pictures!

phxbillcee Level 10 June 5, 2018

I know. I was kidding.

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