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LINK The impeachment crisis and US war plans against Russia - World Socialist Web Site

This is me wishing everyone well in the new year. Happy new year to all of you or as we Irish know "happy" can be an unreachable ideal for many because of our oppression and exploitation from the British empire we realize that many people can't be happy so we say "good luck" or "good luck in the new year".

Ian-Duggan 7 Jan 1
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An interesting prospective that differs markedly from the one that is told in the US. To hear those on the left the issue is not a planed war with Russia. But rather the appeasement and submission to the Russian wish to discredit Ukraine. While at the same time prompting the US to lift the sanctions placed on Russia for interference in the 2016 US presidential elections by placing the blame on the Ukraine. Trump's extortion for promises to "find dirt" on a political opponent was just a part of the demand. The other, and more important, issue was the admission that Ukraine interfered with the US elections letting Russia off the hook and ending sanctions.
And given Trump's ongoing attempts to destroy NATO by reducing payments and threats to pull the US out it is hard to believe that any large scale invasion of Russia is in the offing.
Having said that there are those on the right in the US who might agree to some of the article. But think that it should be war with Iran rather than Russia. What with Russia putting money into US politics on the Republican side, (Maria and the NRA, Parnas / Furman and contributions to Pete Sessions, and the Rusal aluminum plant in Kentucky, etc.) there is no incentive for a war with Russia.
Thanks for the article and good luck in the new year.

ArthurK Level 6 Jan 2, 2020

I always think of the U2 song ‘New Year’s Day’ on January 1, just as I think of their sing ‘Pride’ on MLK birthday.


Happy New Year to you too!

brentan Level 8 Jan 1, 2020

Some question about timing on this probably a diversion from impeachment proceedings

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 1, 2020
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