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LINK Joe Biden Obviously Has Dementia and Should Withdraw | Ted Rall's Rallblog

I'd ask what the DNC is thinking, but I think we all know the answer to that. IF you're interested, there's a petition for Biden to undergo the same testing Chump needs. We shouldn't let those dipshits get away with this, if we can.

altschmerz 9 Mar 11
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DNC establishment very well might prefer Trump to Sanders

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 11, 2020

This is no time to put politeness ahead of competence and beating Trump.


Why test now? Trump wasn't tested... And even with dementia, still better than trump..

@altschmerz if you have to ask, you don't have a clue

@altschmerz see @Beowulfsfriend 's reply... But seriously, as we are both women, do you really think trump has done anything to advance women's rights? Or minority rights? Or anyone's rights? The average American? In fact, he's actively worked against the rights of Americans in favor of corporations and personal financial gain...

@altschmerz you just answered your own question... They're both the same except Biden has decorum.. That's enough for me... Besides, I do prefer Bernie...

Kind of like saying a shit sandwich is better than plain shit.... Either way Trump gets 4 more years because Biden will lose to Trump just like Hillary did... I warned people then and I am warning them now but it seems like the big money PACs are 'Making America Stupid Again..."


Sounds like trumper post

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 11, 2020

Ted Rall is a radical socialist, not a Trumper by any means.

Ted Rall is a Bernie bro so will smear anyone who stands in his way.

Trumpanzee posts are pro-Biden...

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