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Owner Claims Her Salon is Also Ministry and Should Be Allowed to Reopen

The owner of a faith-based, Christian hair salon in Appleton, Wisconsin, has filed a federal lawsuit arguing the state’s coronavirus safer-at-home order violates her First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, speech, and assembly.

Well, I know just how she feels. She's probably just had it up to “hair” with all that government repression and decided to go to court before a cop comes by and “locks” her up. Rest a-sheared, if she stays open without permission, there could be hell toupee and that just doesn’t cut it.

Meanwhile, critics argue if the court permits the salon to reopen, other businesses may soon try the same ploy - and before you know it, we’ll have things like the Leviticus Lumber Company, the Oh, For Christ’s Saké Beverage Company and Jump’n Jesus’ Jamba Juice Bar. And, as a bonus, because they’re ministries, they’d all get to operate tax-free.


johnnyrobish 8 May 16
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Love the wordplay, despise the rest. I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant and selfish! Boggles the mind!!

M4Amama Level 6 May 17, 2020

Give it a Month, as the Hospitals in Wisconsin are Overwhelmed and the MURDER Rate goes through the roof and the Entire Country is set back 7 Months . We are trapped ( like it or not ) by this Virus and there is no escape until we figure it out .

GEGR Level 7 May 17, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 May 17, 2020

No, no, no, just go to sites & review the regs on what you have to do to get "tax-exempt" status......

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 17, 2020

JFC! What next Kkkristian gloryholes? Free blowjobs and get saved at the same'll be called Cum to Jasus LLC..and also a chapel..

Charlene Level 9 May 17, 2020

(Throws away crutches) "I CAN WALK !"

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