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Trump Claims He's Taking Hydroxychloroquine to Guard Against Virus

President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking the drug hydroxychloroquine to protect against the new coronavirus, despite warnings from his own government that the drug has potentially fatal side effects and has not been shown to combat the new coronavirus.

Well, I guess about all anyone can really say to that news is - good luck with that decision Mr President, and we hope the drug does everything for you that experts say it can.

But, as we know, our President doesn’t really concern himself with all that “sciency stuff.” He says he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine because he’s heard a lot of "good stories” about the drug. That said, I’m pretty certain you could also hear plenty of “good stories” about crack, meth and heroin - depending upon whomever you might choose to ask.

As for me, all I know is - I’ve been taking Flintstone Vitamins every day since this doggone pandemic started, and I don't have even a trace of coronavirus. Is this a miracle cure? Well, who knows? You’ll have to make up your own minds on that one.


johnnyrobish 8 May 18
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I don't believe he is doing so. Another lie.

He is lying is my meaning.

I felt the same thing my friend, but I didn't bring it up in the piece above because it would make the joke way too complicated.

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