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LINK Rep. Ilhan Omar's father dies of coronavirus-related complications

Sad. What's most sad is that we here in America haven't even peaked on the first round of the virus.

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 16
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And even with the illness the rep is still trying to play politics with it's name.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 16, 2020

Yup, thanks Texas, Georgia, Florida and all the other states that blew the doors open too early..

Charlene Level 9 June 16, 2020

All 50 states in my last count. China is now experiencing a second wave and it's only June. The protests happening world-wide are also exacerbating the problem.

@SeaGreenEyez []

There is not one state that has theoretically passed category 1. Category 4 won't happen until 2021 at the earliest for any state.

The last I heard Tennessee isn't listed as one of the 14 worse states, yet in Hamilton County (Chattanooga) we have an uptick of 50% new cases. Nashville is way beyond that.

@SeaGreenEyez Mass is at stage 2 of reopening..stage 3 is end of the month..depending on the Daily counts of New cases and Deaths..if there's up tick..everything is back to SAH..immediately..

@SeaGreenEyez []

The table below is from the CDC Activities and Initiatives Supporting the COVID-19 Response and the President’s Plan for Opening America Up Again published in May 2020.

There are no states that have demonstrated a two week decline in COVID 19 cases (end of phase 1) except New York, and we know where that is going.

@SeaGreenEyez I agree, but why do we on this site who say we pursue knowledge continually lie to ourselves and believe and preach those lies?

@SeaGreenEyez My original remark was that all 50 states are reopening and that's true. You are trying to justify them reopening, which is bs. All 50 states could be in Phase 4 if they chose to be because the White House phases aren't based on any goals. And sorry to burst your bubble, but you have not given me any knowledge, just random bs.


Very sad 😢

bobwjr Level 10 June 16, 2020

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