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Trump Administration Refusing to Account for $660 Billion

After Congress passed an unprecedented $2 trillion bill known as the Cares Act, the Trump Administration pledged “full transparency on anything we do,” then immediately began firing everyone who was responsible for any oversight on the matter. Now, it appears that $660 billion of that money has mysteriously disappeared - and the Trump Administration is refusing to say what happened to it.

Gee, who could have dreamed that when you put two trillion dollars in cash up for grabs with no oversight, there would be people who can’t wait to get their grubby hands on it? Imagine that!

Now, I’m no detective, but the first place I’d look is in Bunkerboy’s mattress. One thing’s for sure, no matter what the hell they actually did with that money - they'll find a way to blame it all on Obama. And, talk about a dramatic turnaround - my guess is that Putin’s now laundering money for Trump.

Of course, Trump supporters have a different take on all this and will certainly say, “who cares about a bunch of unaccounted-for money? Why the most pressing problem we have in this country, is that we can longer have the “freedom” to fire people for being gay anymore.”


johnnyrobish 8 June 16
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History will rate tRump the most corrupt


We shall correct all of this on November 3rd . Indictments and Prison start in January 2021 .

GEGR Level 7 June 17, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 June 16, 2020

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