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Trump Claims Police Kill More White People than Blacks

Earlier this week, President Trump shrugged off reporter’s questions about police killing black people, by claiming police kill more white people - and, while that’s technically correct, data indicate black people are actually 2.5 times more likely to die at the hands of police than whites.

Gee, is it just me, or did Donald Trump just try and convince folks about how fair and reasonable the police are, by bragging about how they like to murder white folks also?

I mean, with an understanding of math and statistics like that, do we really need to ponder how anyone could possibly manage to even bankrupt a damn gambling casino?

Why, this is a guy who, if you asked him about square roots, would ask his gardeners to dig up the White House rose garden - just to try and prove you wrong.


johnnyrobish 8 July 17
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Fear is needed sometimes, but it can also work against progress and worsen relationships. It is important to recognize that it is not only black people getting shot in police interactions and that it is more often white people. If you leave out that information, it can sound like cops are out to kill black people for being black. Information can be presented in a way to create fear mongering and hate mongering and it's important to stand up to that. If a bunch of white guys also died in police interactions, it doesnt make sense to just assume racism when it's a non white person that died. What is more helpful is to maybe discuss how drugs busts are handled, the relationships with public drunkenness and conflict with police, and when there is the resisting of arrest. Under what circumstances should a person be arrested and how do we respond when we are being arrested. What is also the socioeconomics of people more like to die in conflict with the police. The point should be not destruction, but better protocols, make improvements in the communities and build relationships.


Turn it against him - yes mr. president, cops kill people, white people, so now that you see that, you should agree that cops need to be reigned in.


Square roots! Lol


In perportion it's something like 3.5 times more black than white

bobwjr Level 10 July 17, 2020

He's a moron

bobwjr Level 10 July 17, 2020
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