Is anyone else concerned about fully reopening schools next month? Personally, since my city and state. Is seeing a strong resurgence of the virus. I'm really hesitant of sending my kids back. I simply cannot pretend that all is normal. Especially with the lives of my kids.
Opening schools is a way to help adults with children get back to work. That need to be done so the economy will get back to normal. This of course will not happen, so all the cheeto is going t accomplish is to kill many children and teachers along with parents and others. The economy will not get better before the election. The cheeto does not care about anything other than getting reelected so he can keep robbing us and pass the good on to his fellow rich supporters.
I think my big concern lies within the borders of this island(s). Our school will not open unless it is absolutely safe and screw what the maniac, POS-in-chief says. Our governor is also on board to not opening unless safe. tRump and his enablers with their 'economy' can go and, you know what, to themselves.
I think what will happen in most states is that the schools will reopen and then close again after a few weeks because the numbers will explode by then. Plan on almost a whole school year ahead of remote learning online for the K-12 schools.
Here in Nevada we are seeing a strong resurgence of the virus. I'm in Reno, which is overseen by the Washoe County School District. The plan for the 20-21 school year. Middle and high school, will have a half and half policy. Half the week at the school. Half via distance learning. But for the elementary schools. They'll attend full-time at their schools. And this includes Pre-K and Kindergarten. Cause someone came to the conclusion. That kids 9 and younger, are less suspectable to the virus. I wasn't aware, that a virus is considerate of a person's age.
It 8s Not! The reason older people were the first victims is Nursing Homes & Senior Centers made ideal spreading grounds....currently the trend in age is Sharply downward. Viruses do not give a crap how old you are!
You live in the home of one of my cult favorite TV shows, Reno-911.This pandemic is almost as ridiculous as that show, only not that funny.
My children are adults, but if they were still school age, I’d keep them home, and figure something out. Maybe co-op with other working moms. No matter what, they wouldn’t be in school.
If they try it, the teachers must strike, strike for their lives and for the greater good.
Putting aside the danger, let's just look at what school will be like during a pandemic. Kids will be expected to wear masks all day long, impossible. They will be expected to keep away from each other, impossible. They won't be allowed to move around the building, instead staying with the same small group in the same small room all day long. The only way to even attempt to make it safe would be to turn school into something resembling a prison.
Therir main argument for opening the schools is that kids need to socialize. It would be a disaster to try and socialize kids in those circumstances.
My child's school has sent many surveys to parents to ask about our preferences : if we prefer to send our kids to school for four days a week, two days, or go totally with online classes !!
It's hard do decide especially when parents have to go back to work. Many schools are giving the options for students to attend all the classes online, but not all schools are well equipped to offer full online classes for all grades..
I probably would have to take a page out of the religious rights playbook and homeschool them.
As someone that had a "mild" case of the disease, I can tell you that it is not something you want to deal with. Unless there are major actions taken and CDC guidance followed I would seriously consider home schooling or distance learning no matter their age.
I think a lot of drump-followers are about to wake the fuck up.......Aunt Edna, 89, goes down,& they gloss over it, every single one of them. But let little Johnny, age 10,cave, maybe we will hear the sound of guillotines being built....
In My world there there is Always a silver lining!
We can hope their eyes pry open...I try not to underestimate the willfully ignorant. I hope you’re right. Optimism gets harder every day!
Having been a teacher, absolutely yes, opening is way dangerous without extreme guidelines - but, even those won't be enough unless the entire country starts to wear some FUCKING masks.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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