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On political correctness. It is not what you think, and it is dangerous.


Mitch07102 8 July 19
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Most of the culture wars in America involve PC and I agree that most of the culture war issues do matter and are about important things that should be changed, but my main beef about PC is how it's used by both major parties and the corporate media to cynically distract the masses from even more important issues like class warfare, corporate rule of our government, and plutocracy as well as income inequality and permanent war for American empire. You could also probably add in climate change, as both parties take huge funding from the fossil fuel industry. If you are someone from a foreign country or a Martian and you only observed American politics thru the corporate media, you would think that the only conflicts and division in America were the culture wars and PC. But any American living here who has woke up, not in the PC sense, but in the common sense meaning of losing their illusions, knows that the issues left unsaid are what's most wrong with America.

The two major parties pretend to be very different and, as long as all the attention is on cultural issues and PC, they are different. But on the issues that matter most to me and most woke up Americans, they are a duopoly.


Excellent! Thanks!😎

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