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Newsmax is the New Landing Spot for Ultraconservative Cable News Personalities

Newsmax is quickly becoming the new home base for scores of ultraconservative cable news personalities, who’s extremist views and trash mouths kept them in constant hot water at their previous places of employment.

Oh yeah, I remember Newsmax. That’s the website that once sold T‑shirts, advocating the killing of journalists. Newsmax is the new home for former Fox News personalities, who felt that “lying to listeners" just isn’t enough - and that you also need to incite violence. And folks, it appears Newsmax has been busy raiding the Fox News trash dumpster once again - which means get ready for even more wackos to hit the airwaves.

And, surprise, surprise! I mean, who knew that former trolls, have now reached the status of "news personalities.” Well, they sure have - right here on this “White Trash Network. And, who can blame them? After all, not everyone can “make it” as a televangelist or by hocking herbal supplements. Welcome to the “losers circle.” Talk about the land of opportunity!


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 12
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I guess the alt-right sister site is unmentionable now as my post was removed.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 13, 2020

Trumps p.a.c.

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 12, 2020

Newsmax is worse than Fux..hard to believe, but true.

Charlene Level 9 Aug 12, 2020

pope voices sadness.....xtiions......... Looks like a tabloid headline. I do not know what was said or why. I expect the pope expresses sadness over all the killings over there. Just trying to rial up the evans, who hate the pope on others days anyway.

The pope is not progressive, not even liberal. The media portrays him as such for some unknown reason. Look what he said about transgender people, that we were a nuclear bomb. He appointed a bunch of women to a Vatican agency but some of them are members of opus dei. I was raised roman catholic, I know the misogyny of the church and that it is entirely run by closeted gay older (in many cases very old) men.

@Theresa_N I agree with you. He is part of the old order dating back a thousand years or more. I was just noting that the pope has to express sorry at all deaths, not just xtions, and the headline makes it look like a call to war against those "Islamist butchers."

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