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Nancy Pelosi, republican lite, has endorsed Kennedy over Markey. And they expect me to vote for democrats?

Theresa_N 8 Aug 20
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They don’t care how you vote, @Theresa_N

They expect you to pay your taxes and contribute cannon fodder for their wars.

Visit the &smallddem

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

They also appreciate it, but only a little bit, if you stay off the streets instead of protesting. If you show up at or outside their offices to protest them, they'll laugh at you behind the scenes, but only if the cameras aren't around.
Their scorn and lack of fear for the masses makes me wish they had gulliotines to fear.

@TomMcGiverin It annoys me that my farmworker ancestors in what became Germany didn’t borrow the guillotines the French were no longer using.


No surprise here. Pelosi is a villain.

RoboGraham Level 8 Aug 20, 2020

Pelosi is in Need of retiring..I'll be voting Markey..Kennedy is an embarrassment to his uncles..a died in the wool Corporatist.

Charlene Level 9 Aug 20, 2020

No surprise that young Kennedy is shameless about being a corporatist. When you are that entitled and rich from birth, it's easy to be arrogant and shameless about everything.


No surprise there. I hate Pelosi for the out of touch, sellout collaborators with the GOP that she, Schumer, and Stoyer have all been for some time now.


I like the tag GOP lite, hadn't heard it before. It fits most of the Dems.

EdEarl Level 8 Aug 20, 2020

I just figured a new nickname for the GOP=GOOP

@Vintenar GOOP = Grand Old Oligarchy Party where the bar serves mideval mead, the ancient bubbly Butu, and the oldest spirits.

@EdEarl Nice job on coming up with the meaning. I hadn't gone that far, but I did look up goop definition.

sloppy or sticky semifluid matter, typically something unpleasant.

@Vintenar I imagine they sweat a sticky semifluid, are unpleasant, and sloppy with the environment. Thanks.


No, vote for trump...

Shirley, ewe jest.

@Beowulfsfriend of course I jest lol
To call Pelosi, Republican lite , when she's head of the democratic party sounds sarcastic to me...

No sarcasm intended, I am quite serious, she's republican lite. She said there would not be support for people challenging incumbent democrats, then she endorses two neoliberal challengers to progressive incumbents. They just blew their chance for my vote.


Pelosi and the republicans are on the same team. They are both impediments to progress.

"Pelosi and the republicans are on the same team. They are both impediments to progress."

Just because they are impediments to what you personally think is progress, doesn't mean they are on the same team... False equivalence..


Pelosi has rubber stamped Trump's agenda for the last two yours that she has been speaker. She has not challenged him on anything. They are on the same team and that team is opposed to us, the people.

"She has not challenged him on anything. "

She got trump impeached... How soon people forget that...


That was a predictable statement.

What did impeachment accomplish? Nothing? Everyone, including Pelosi, knew it would die in the senate.

And what did Pelosi do while she impeaching him?

She approved his massive military budget. The largest budget in history. She renewed the patriot act giving him spying powers on citizens. She also approved his new space force. That's funny, you'd think she would want to limit the powers of a president that is abusing his powers so egregiously that he must be removed form office, not give him a larger military with a new branch as well as renew his unconstitutional spying powers.

It's almost as if they are on the same team and impeachment was just a bunch of political theater.

@RoboGraham of course it's predictable because it's true...
What did impeachment accomplish? You're seeing it right before your eyes.. Trump is losing ground very quickly..


You think impeachment had anything to do with it? Trump's approved numbers went up after he was aquited. It was a stupid strategy. It helped him.

He is faltering now, not because of anything the democrats have done, but because of his own incompetence in dealing with the pandemic.

And you didn't address the actions that Pelosi took during impeachment. Why would she approve everything he wanted if she wanted him removed? How has she actually resisted him, and don't say impeachment because it did nothing but help him.

@RoboGraham impeachment was the beginning. That along with his nervousness during the process and the senate trial plus many other factors have a culminative effect on him...


What effect? He was doing fine until the pandemic hit.

Do you have any evidence that impeachment did any good at all?

It seems to me that it served as a distraction. It allowed pelosi and the democrats to appear to be resisting him while approving his agenda. Again, why did she approve the gigantic military budget, the space force, and the Patriot act renewal if she believed he was dangerous and abusing his powers?

Once impeached, the president's powers are suspended, and the Constitutional Court decides whether or not the President should be removed from office.


This is absolutely false. The president's powers remain until removed from office. The Senate decides if he should be removed from office.

And you didn't address the actions that Pelosi took during impeachment. Why would she approve everything he wanted if she wanted him removed? How has she actually resisted him, and don't say impeachment because it did nothing but help him. Why are you avoiding this aspect of the discussion?

@RoboGraham Pelosi isn't running for president.. The question is just a distraction.. I really don't care what Pelosi did or didn't do. Trump is the clear and present danger.. I'll vote Biden regardless...


That's fine, vote however you wish, more power to you.

The whole point of this discussion though is that Pelosi is republican lite. You disagree but can't put together an argument to prove she isn't while I've shown you how she and the Republicans are on the same team.

I don't expect you to vote any differently, all I ask is that you understand what it is that you are voting for.

"... I've shown you how she and the Republicans are on the same team."

You haven't shown me anything proving they are on the same team.. All you've done was say it repeatedly and ask me the same question repeatedly...


You have avoided that question repeatedly.

Trump's two biggest achievements in the last couple of years were his space force and his budget and pelosi did nothing to resist. How do you explain that? I don't know why I bother to ask you again. You will surely deflect, again.

"why did she approve the gigantic military budget, the space force, and the Patriot act?"

OK.. Here it is.. I would've approved them also.. I support all three.. Am I on the same team as well?


I see

Do you approve of the tax cuts also?

Why are you opposed to Trump?

@RoboGraham I oppose trump because hes not qualified to do the job..

@Cutiebeauty Actual the impeachment was more a way to impede Bernie Sanders, because the Democrats hate him and his policies more than Trump and his corporate policies. Just think about how Pelosi waited like a couple of weeks to give the Senate the impeachment papers which just happen to coincide at just a week prior to when the Democrats needed Biden to hit a home run in the North Carolina primary.

The impeachment rules required the Senators to stay in DC for six days out of the week, which meant Bernie couldn't do any rallies in NC, and that helped Biden swing that state big time and it turned his fortune around because Biden still could rally for more votes

@RoboGraham Biden is a Republican lite if not a straight-up Republican as well.



That's a good point about pelosi's timing on sending impeachment over to the Senate. She did it right when it was most important for senators Sanders and Warren to be campaigning and forced them to sit in on the meaningless political theater which was the trial. Which helped Biden with his big win in south Carolina.

They used every resource available to them to once again screw over working class people in favor of corporations and special interests.

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