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Trump Says He Appreciates the Support of QAnon Conspiracy Theorists

Trump Says He Appreciates the Support of QAnon Conspiracy Theorists: When pressed by a reporter about QAnon supporters believing he is secretly saving the world from a cult of pedophiles and cannibals led by Hillary Clinton and several Hollywood celebrates, a baseless theory which the FBI has flagged as a potential domestic terrorist threat, President Trump gave credence to the theory when he shot back - claiming he didn’t know much about them, but “how it can be a bad thing, saving the world from a Satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals?”

Wow, I had no idea that "crazy" had now become such an important Republican voter block in America? No wonder Republicans vehemently oppose any funding designed to address mental health issues in this country. I mean, if troubled people started regaining their mental health again, Republicans might lose voters.

Now, in his defense, President Trump did deny knowing very much about these QAnon people, but said he appreciates that they say “nice things about him,” and is sure “they love America.” Now personally, I’d prefer that they’d “love taking their meds” instead, but that’s just me.

And gee, it’s interesting how the President seems to know so little about the folks who are his biggest supporters. Oddly enough, he also seems to know “very little” about anyone he’s appointed as staffers, advisors or to cabinet posts. You remember, folks like Manafort, Stone, Bannon, Flynn, Cohen, Papadopoulos, Porter, etc, etc, etc.

Meanwhile, a few Republicans are daring to speak out about the President’s praise of QAnon, claiming “the Republican Party is better than that!” No, they’re not! In fact, a recent poll indicated more than 80% of Republicans say they still plan to vote for Donald Trump in November.

Why, it’s almost enough to make someone believe that these folks just aren't getting their information from credible news sources.


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 20
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He loves the racist right

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 20, 2020

It fits his plans fully as they are ignorant of any information dealing with anything true. Make it up as you go, that is the only way you work. Don't take notes as you have a perfect memory.


Of course the fool does, it fits his narrative..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 20, 2020

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