3 3

Sadly, as relevant as ever, posting again.

Add George, Jacob, Breonna and so many, many others murdered for the "crime" of being black in Amerika. (If you have not heard the song before, listen into the second minute.)

Mitch07102 8 Aug 27
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We now have more awareness, but still have a lot of places where the local power structure doesn't give a damn about demands for action, no matter what happens with street protests. Louisville, KY for one. In some other places, the protests have gotten action because the local power structure decided they didn't want to have continued fires, looting, etc., so they caved and allowed firings and arrests. Protests by themselves don't force change. Violence, the threat of further violence, and continued disruption related to protests are what force change from power structures. I think the 60s proved that non-violence is only capable of producing some temporary changes that get reversed later after the movements have died down. Look at our endless wars now, even after protest ended the Vietnam War. All the ruling class had to do after Vietnam to keep the masses from repeating that anti-war movement was to end the draft, then they could again start waging far away wars of choice anytime, anywhere without consequences.


Some change but much more needed

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 27, 2020

My horror at the treatment of blacks is somewhat offset at the moment by their reluctance to comply with the police.

brentan Level 8 Aug 27, 2020

Here's a different perspective:

Comply, don't comply... Cops have been murdering people of color for years and years...

A teenage member of my household was stopped by the police 4 times in a month while driving. He had insurance. He was obeying the traffic laws. His headlights and taillights all worked. His car was registered with current tags. He never got a ticket during any of those stops. But he has an Afro hairstyle and brown skin. His mother fears for his life every time he walks out the door, not because he chooses to be non compliant. But because his Blackness makes him non compliant.

@Bobbyzen So it helps to comply with the police. He is a smart man.

@brentan Um, he was in complete compliance and was STILL pulled over. Four times. And yeah, he was a nice compliant Negro when the police asked him what he was doing in the neighborhood.

@Bobbyzen I get your point, really I do. Right now I'm focussing on black people staying alive.

@Bobbyzen, @brentan

I think I summed it up perfectly.. If he don't get it, he never will..

Comply, don't comply... Cops have been murdering people of color for years and years...

@altschmerz I'm sure there have always been cops ruthless to murder black people for their colour. Nonetheless, the recent killings have shown black men resisting arrest and/or not obeying the commands of the police. I don't believe these men would be dead if they have complied, especially in front of all those people.

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