7 3

It hurts too much to laugh and I'm too old to cry.

WilliamCharles 8 Aug 30
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"The ratfvckers denying the ratfvckery that took place are the worst ratfvckers of all."

~ LanceThruster


Clear as it could possibly be, Biden fluffers, Corporate Dems, and DNC gaslighters notwithstanding.

Fuggum. Seriously.


Don't worry, if Biden loses the blame will be put on progressives and Russia, no matter what the truth is. You can bet the house on it... They will also blame it on voter suppression, which is a real thing that will partly affect the outcome, but it won't be the main reason for a Biden loss.

@TomMcGiverin - Tru dat.




Do any of you realize that the DNC does not select the candidate, that they are elected, and that they must stand for re election every 2 years. Joe Biden was not who I voted for in the primary or at the convention, a majority of democrats that voted, voted for Joe. Stop blaming the DNC for the choice, you are only buying into the false narrative that it is rigged against us.If you didn't vote and take part in the process, it is your fault.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 30, 2020

I feel you are entirely mistaken. Their thumb was on the scale in 2016, and again in 2020.


@WilliamCharles Do you even know who you DNC rep is?

@glennlab - I know the DNC is silencing their progressive delegates.

I got this from google... :

Pledged delegates from all fifty U.S. states and from American dependencies and territories such as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and superdelegates which are unpledged delegates representing the Democratic establishment, attend the convention and cast their votes to choose the Party's presidential candidate.

@Cutiebeauty - at the DNC's various platform panels, progressives were shut down. This is part of the public record.

@WilliamCharles yes. I saw that...

@WilliamCharles If by silencing you mean that they could not get 50% plus 1, then every elction in history has been silencing the loser. It is a democratic organization, if youi don't have the votes, you don't have the votes. I have been a member of the progressive caucus at many conventions, but they were too unorganized to craft a plan of action. It normally meets at the same time as the veterans caucus, they better (marginally) how to get things done so my efforts rest with them more. The progressive caucus tends to shotgun approach rather than rifle shot.

The black caucus was equally ineffective until they started to focus, now they are a major force to be recconded with.


Vote trump, sounds like you will anyway...

I'm in CA. My vote doesn't mean squat as far as the Electoral College goes. Biden fluffers need to worry about the battleground states. Joe's numbers are actually worse than Hillary's there... and she lost.

You're not a progressive, why are you here?

@Charlene who says I'm not progressive?


I'm well aware of all this and it's obvious it was all rigged and the Dem leaders are playing to lose. Their followers just haven't caught on yet and probably won't even if they lose in Nov.. Instead, they will just blame the progressives and Russia, same as last time. Suckers...

Yes, there is a sucker born every minute. Suckers for biden, suckers for tRump. It's sad that in this country we have so little choice in who leads us.


It does feel like the DNC ignores the people's will and chooses who it decides we get to vote for...

JazznBlues Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

No shit, Sherlock.. They only listen to their big donors..

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