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Those folks are absolutely knocking it out of the park. Truth-tellers all.

WilliamCharles 8 Aug 30
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Watched the rest of the video and feel sad that most blacks in SC and the Super Tuesday states chose to listen to Uncle Tom Clyburn and other corrupt black leaders instead of Nina Turner, a black leader who is the real thing. I like her term for the ruling class who control both parties, the "owner-donors".

Yeah. Nina is something else. No filter but in absolutely the right way. Speak truth to power always! Love her.


I have now watched most of the video and the best part was the platform. If we could get even a fraction of that implemented, it would be such an improvement on the status quo. The only platform part I would disagree with might be the animal rights plank, as I don't want to become a vegetarian and that trying to force that on all Americans would be a losing strategy. Most Americans would never stand for it. It would be like trying to take away all guns from Americans.


Too bad Bernie cares more about his token standing in the Senate than actually changing the system, or he'd be there instead of shilling for Joe at the DNC. Thanks for posting the link. I'll try to watch some of it this week.

Bernie's team was there (Nina Turner, Cornel West... ) so I still give him some credit. For whatever reason, he feels some obligation to the party apparatus. Even Marianne Williamson said she was holding her nose for Biden but said the choice is up to the individual. And she's in CA like me so she doesn't need to go with Joe.

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