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Patriotism and the american left: []

Theresa_N 8 Sep 20
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American supremacy !!. A myth that has been peddled for years.

Moravian Level 8 Sep 26, 2020

Don't know why everything has to be rated and so many take part in it. Let's just do our best both as people and as a country. I doubt that will ever happen though.

gearl Level 8 Sep 20, 2020

I have no desire to wrap myself in the flag nor yell empty "patriotic" bullshit..guess I don't fit this article's description.

Charlene Level 9 Sep 20, 2020

The so called "left" in this country would be called center right in almost any other developed country. What we have is the center right party and the far right party with a number of progressives who do not fit into the center right party (democRats). Those that wrap themselves in the flag are democRats and repuglicans. Many progressives are voting for the democRats nominee on the basis of "the lessor of two evils" philosophy but I'm not one of them.

The vast majority of Americans are too ignorant or dense to understand the difference between nationalism and patriotism, so they are easily suckered and manipulated by slogans and symbols of nationalism posing as patriotism. Real patriotism is being willing to sacrifice for the common good, which means paying your fair share of taxes, sacrificing when there are real hardships for the country to overcome, such as a Depression or actual war where the US is attacked and in real danger of invasion, etc. It's not just about worshiping the flag and being willing to kill for your country or serve in the military. If the latter were the case, the Repubs and most Dems would be conspicuously absent for showing any true patriotism since neither party's pols these days have usually ever served. It also means things like wearing a damn mask during a pandemic because it has science backing it as effective in saving lives instead of being a selfish asshole that cares more about your individual rights and freedom. Real patriotism is also standing up to fascism and calling it by its real name. Neither major party is willing to do that and the corporate media won't do it either.

In other words, true patriotism would have more in common with socialist values than just empty platitudes about freedom and liberty, with both masquarading as covers for selfishness and individualism run amok.

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