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The UK government has ordered schools in England not to use resources from organisations which have expressed a desire to end capitalism.
The government has ordered schools not teach students anything about anti-Capitalism as it will be anti democracy.

P.s don't you think it is anti-democracy and anti-freedom to ban schools talking about capitalism or anticapitalism?


NR92 6 Sep 28
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Capitalism is an economic theory. Democracy is a political theory. Each can operate independently of each other or in concert with each other.

Last Democracy and what is taught is schools are independent of each other, unless what is taught is put to vote.


These are two different subjects, capitalism is an economic construct and democracy is a political construct, pure capitalism leads to the end of democracy, and pure democracy leads to the end of capitalism. However modified versions of both can exist with or without the other.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 28, 2020

Freedom doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want anytime you want... For example, murder, robbery, etc...

Are you comparing anti capitalism with murder and robbery?

@NR92 no, I'm saying that even in a free society, there are rules and regulations, laws, policies, protocols, etc, etc... Much of our "freedom " operates within particular parameters... So I don't think it's anti freedom to mandate schools to not teach anti capitalism ...

@Cutiebeauty criticising an ecomonic system or criticising government is every human being's fundamental right in a free society and it must be, England has a very big history of Socialism and anti capitalism, the Labour party is the second biggest party in England, banning criticising capitalism by conservatives is an act of dectatorship.


`Little tRump is in charge over there.

Theresa_N Level 8 Sep 28, 2020

This must be a shame for Labor party, which has almost 50% of the seats.

Actually Labor has about a third of the seats but they are more popular right now.

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