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Trump Addresses Cheering Supporters at White House Event

In what Dr. Anthony Fauci referred to as a “super-spreader event,” President Donald Trump made his first public appearance since being hospitalized with the coronavirus, rallying hundreds of cheering supporters for a campaign-style comeback event on the White House lawn, jumping back into the race, even as the White House refused to deny he might still contagious.

Gee, and what a sight to behold it was!  Why, we have “Don Perón,” strolling up on his balcony - and the choir singing "Don't cry for me, Miss Universe.” Then, Trump grabs the microphone and rattles-off a rather disturbing rant, detailing all the horrifying, dystopian things going on in American these days.

OK, fair enough, but I wonder if anyone’s bothered to mention to the President, that all of these horrible, dreadful things he’s been complaining about, are actually happening - under his watch?

I mean, I know Donald Trump’s one helluva con-artist, but how can anyone possibly expect to pull off running on a campaign platform of “Put an end to all this insanity and chaos - vote for ME,” when - they’re the “sitting President?”

Oddly, most of the cheering crowd, were wearing these bright, blue t-shirts, with white print on them. Now, I couldn’t see exactly what they had printed on them, but given hardly anyone was wearing face masks or social distancing, they probably should have read "Make America Sick Again!” You see folks, that’s what happens when your Wheezy Mussolini - breaks his “quarantini.”


johnnyrobish 8 Oct 10
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What I see

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 11, 2020

Sad that we have so many truly ignorant people in this Country.

Perhaps a few less a month after the rally? 🙁

@girlwithsmiles one can only hope!!


The sign Spread the Love is the height of irony!🤬

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