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Communities Preparing for the Threat of Violence Around Election Day

With news of the Biden/Harris campaign bus being forced off the road by an angry caravan of Trump supporters in Texas, and President Trump eagerly instructing his private army of militia goons to “monitor” the opposition party’s election polling places, communities across America as well as the National Guard, are preparing for the possibility of violent confrontations on election day November 3rd.

Seriously? Militia group “election monitors?” Well, my question is, just exactly what is it these half-wit militia thugs are expecting to “monitor” anyway? I mean, unless they’ve somehow acquired x-ray vision, how the hell could they possibly determine the validity of someone’s sealed ballot? Oh wait, maybe that’s done by race?

Anyway, you do have to kind of admire their determination though. After all, these gracious folks have agreed to interrupt their very important work of hunting down Sasquatch - to come down out of the woods and into town - to try and intimidate anyone who may not wish to vote their way.

Now, on a positive note, talk about folks having lots of good, wholesome fun. Golly gee! Hell, it seems every day is Halloween for these pot-bellied, soldier wannabes. Why, there’s nothing quite like how “special” you feel when you’re out and about, playing “dress up” in your pretend army uniform.


johnnyrobish 8 Nov 1
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I bet most of these fat tubs of lard could never pass basic training in the army, so they are truly pretend soldiers..


I am distributing materials today for Common Cause, volunteers who will be monitoring polling places Tuesday. It is a strictly non-partisan group, we are supposed to stay in our cars (might be monitoring several places)and simply report anything we see,like long lines or hovering assholes. There are a lot of us.

Update: Nov. 3: put about 400 miles on my car watching 5 polling places in CT's Northeast Corner, all peaceful, made me feel happy!


I am afraid of something happening in my community where someone gets hurt. I live in a community where I do not think anything will happen, but I fear for my friends.


Bring it Bitches..

Charlene Level 9 Nov 1, 2020
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