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I thought the relationship between Donald Trump and Andrés Manuel López Obrador was contentious, but apparently they kissed and made up when I wasn't paying attention! []

AMLO declared in a press conference on Saturday: “We are going to wait for all the legal issues to be resolved.” He added: “President Trump has been very respectful with us and we have reached some good accords. We thank him because he has not been a meddler and he has respected us. And the same thing with the candidate Biden. I’ve known him for more than 10 years.”

He then made the unfitting comparison of the current situation to the 2006 Mexican elections, when the US and European leaders congratulated Felipe Calderón as “president-elect” to consolidate a flagrant electoral fraud against AMLO.

Two days after the 2006 elections, Mexico’s electoral chief defended the “integrity” of the election while acknowledging “inconsistencies” in the certificates from polling stations showing that they had tallied 3 million more votes than were actually cast. The alleged margin of victory for Calderón was below 250,000 votes, or 0.6 percent. An initial recount showed inconsistencies in half of the polling stations and that Calderón’s lead disappeared, while results of a larger, second recount were never revealed.

Trump officials have not produced a shred of evidence of significant voter fraud in the November 3 US election.

... By taking the enormously unpopular stance of supporting Trump’s coup, AMLO is making a general appeal to US imperialism and its junior partners in the Mexican oligarchy. The message is that he will drag himself through the mud as much as needed to satisfy their profit and geopolitical interests and, secondly, that he is the most suited to lead the Mexican state along a similar authoritarian path.

To the extent that he is hedging his bets on whether Trump will stay in power, López Obrador’s stance should caution against any belief that Trump does not intend to carry through his coup d’état.

altschmerz 9 Nov 12
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Mexico and China are both afraid of Trump's vindictiveness. They hate him, but have to be cautious until he has lost power.
They are the 2 countries most likely to suffer from him if he feels they have slighted him by recognising Biden.
Trump has already displayed great antagonism to them and they don't want to irritate him when he's at his most insane, which is right now.
I can understand why they are waiting for him to concede first.

Krish55 Level 8 Nov 12, 2020

Big differences from there to here. Some similarities of course.

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