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‘Extremism’ as a Ticket to Tyrannize

The term has long been invoked by politicians to sanctify their own power, writes James Bovard.

“Extremists” are one of the famous bogeymen that American politicians invoke to sanctify their own power. But the definition of “extremism” has forever been in flux. The only consistent element in definitions of extremism is that politicians always win.


{Civilization needs its monsters. A man trying to change the world fails for one simple and avoidable reason. Everyone else.}

Not out of the the article, but an often used quote and one from the movie, Black Sails. I took the liberty of editing avoidable from unavoidable. I often argue here we hold the ability towards change if we can create a massive awareness of the delusional reality that has been manufactured and forced upon us, uniting behind a socialized structured ideology built for us over the ruling class capitalist that create our monsters.

This is a tactic the worlds most powerful have been using against us for centuries. Stemming back as long and far to their collaborate religious sects, commonly powered by especially the Vatican. As modernization entered the industrial age new methods had to be found to keep this manage perception going. Propaganda became a new name in respects to this. This book [] would suggest at first that Japan brought this modern form to us, but you can replace Japan with any westernized power structure of today. As I have often argued that they all work collaboratively in efforts to give people as little as possible while hoarding a vast majority for themselves. Anyone who challenges their rule is created as an enemy on society. If "everyone" continues to be conditioned, how much longer can society and this planet continue to function properly to sustain life? How many more need to be forced into poverty and murdered for their benefits? We have been witnessing a great expansion into this heinous crime on society since approximately the Reagan era, especially since 9/11. Back to the article.

{In the 1770s, people who suggested that the king of England had no right to rule America were considered extremists. Even a 2013 Pentagon instructional document declared that “the colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule” were an example of “extremist movements.”}

This might suggest my previous opinion of our founding fathers was correct? There never was an interest in separation? Separation became a force to deal with and managed? Here it is in 2013 a written acknowledgment? We need a new separation from the current power structure.

{Prior to September 2001, anyone who suggested that the U.S. government lead a crusade to “rid the world of evil” would have been labeled both an extremist and a loon. But when George W. Bush promised exactly that three days after 9/11, the media cheered and his approval ratings soared.}

{In 2004, Bush sanctified his war on terrorism: “This struggle between political extremism and civilized values is unfolding in many places.” And any methods the Bush administration used — including torture — were “civilized” by definition because the opponents were extremists.}

These things have been going on for centuries. Self proclaiming gentlemen and their self righteous countries denouncing the same methods they taught to the "uncivilized". A monster they propagandized to the public in which it was born from.

{Obama invoked extremism to justify any and every power grab he committed. As part of its war against violent extremism, the Obama administration claimed a right to kill Americans without a trial, without notice, and without any chance for targets to legally object.

In a December 2009 speech at West Point, Obama announced that he would send far more U.S. soldiers to Afghanistan as part of the “struggle against violent extremism” — which he said would be “an enduring test of our free society.” More than a thousand Americans subsequently were killed in Afghanistan in an escalation which did nothing more than prolong the war. The CIA had sought to warn Obama that his “surge” would be a failure, but a little crowding in Arlington Cemetery was a small price to pay for burnishing Obama’s tough-guy image.}

See Libya and Syria next. In each place he heinously expanded the "extremism", and in Syria, he supported and funded them. First you claim to make enemies of them then you become partners with them. All of them. While falsely manufacturing a new one.

{The U.S. government provided arms and money to radical groups tied to al-Qaeda and other Muslim fanatics as part of the U.S. campaign to topple the Assad government. U.S. policy was so muddled that Pentagon-backed Syrian rebels openly battled CIA-backed Syrian rebels.}

Ultimately many in these groups with a vast majority of the weapons and equipment supplied to them ended up going to and joining ISIS. To an already funded ISIS that left Iraq for Syria previously with billions in weapons and equipment stolen from Iraqi forces of the large cities they had taken over. Here's something to ponder also. While ISIS was able to collect a fortune in oil and sell it to further support their cause, they were allowed to transport this oil from Iraq to places to do so. We can somehow manage to assassinate people in a car or a person in a building using our surveillance and drone technology, but we can't seem to find large convoys of supposed enemy movements and tanker trucks in a wide open desert?

{In May 2017, Donald Trump visited Saudi Arabia and proclaimed that the United States and the Saudis “seek to embark on new initiatives to counter violent extremist messaging, disrupt financing of terrorism, and advance defense cooperation.” The fact that Saudi government officials had provided financial aid to the 9/11 hijackers (15 of the 19 were Saudis) was not permitted to tarnish the photo opportunity.}

!There isn't enough space for a bold all caps print with exclamation marks on both ends of the word !DUPED! on the planet to seemingly get this message across to the world public!

{Politicians denounce extremism at the same time the establishment media blanches from publicizing government abuses. The greater the taint of being accused of extremist tendencies, the easier it becomes for government officials to cover up atrocities.}

The leading factor to "everyone else" that collaboratively passes down tribal divisional political views. Who are unaware that 80% of the information handed down to them is manufactured by public relation firms to manage their perception.

{Americans have perennially acquiesced in the government’s seizing of almost unlimited power in the war against extremism. But to permit politicians to define extremism is to let them preemptively vilify their most dangerous critics. Luckily, it is not yet illegal to suggest that the government itself has become the greatest extremist of them all.}

But how long from that are we? We are already being censored for attempting to expose it. More so each year.

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