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Far right groups energized by Parler's shutdown: []

Theresa_N 8 Jan 12
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Sort of a 'sticky wicket' situation. Leave the hate filled sites up and spread the violence. Try and shut them down and the numbers of members increases. However, the same applies for the sane side. The more they invoke violence the more we stand fast. Also, I just read many people are abandoning the republican party. Most are going independent. Perhaps that would be a third party (I might join).

This will probably be the most 'lively' inauguration in our history.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 12, 2021

Lively? I think the president, the former president no longer has the moral capital to be called president, will have to be inaugurated surrounded by national guard and with snipers on every rooftop. This is a national disgrace. I never thought fascists would gain this much power in America.

Amurika has always had a strong Fascist steak, from the KKK marching on Washington in the early 20th century to Nazis filling Madison Square Garden in the 1930s. It Always been here..Trump just lit the fuse.


Poor snowflakes

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 12, 2021

It feeds into their paranoia,and funnels them onto the the Dark Web..where it'll be easier to watch them. They do love to discuss their plans in the open..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 12, 2021

Now they have to find another hole to crawl into.

They're scurrying about looking. We haven't heard the last of these people, we'll be very fortunate if they don't continue making violent attacks against the institutions of government.

@Theresa_N count on more violence, and they'll expand it to state and local peoples..


This is what happens when confusion meets up with the desire to make money. Trumpers cannot tell when they have been had.

DenoPenno Level 9 Jan 12, 2021

They gave up their ability to reason in 2015. They're now his Cult of Death..


This is why Trump needs to be thrown out so law enforcement can do its job without his interference, incompetence and conspiracy promotion.


A dangerous period in US history we seem to be at!

Yes, we are a country under siege by Repuglicans and other fascists. I don't use that word, "fascists," lightly, it really is fascists.

It will get much worse before it gets better

@Canndue I fear that will be the case.

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