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Simple guidance.

"Huge numbers of our population believe in a complete alternate reality. Alternate facts as it were.
But just as intensely as I believe they are deluded, they think I am the one who is deluded. Maybe I am. So how can I be confident in my perception? It can be quite difficult.
But, I have found that in times of political confusion, particularly when emotions are running high and creating tunnel vision, the presence of Nazis can be an extremely helpful indicator.
If I am attending a local demonstration or event and I see Nazis…neo-Nazis, casual Nazis, master race Nazis, or the latest-whatever-uber-mythology-Nazis, I figure out which side they are on.
And if they are on my side of the demonstration? I am on the wrong side.
It is tough to argue moral equivalence when I am standing next to a Nazi. Look to my right. Is there a guy wearing a 6MWE (6 million wasn’t enough) t-shirt? I am on the wrong side. Look to my left. If that guy is wearing a Camp Auschwitz t-shirt? Wrong side.
Are Speakers being applauded for referring to things that Hitler got right? Wrong side. Team-spirit face paint and hat with animal horns? This is actually an unclear indicator that could mean anything, but safest to keep my distance from that guy anyway, even at a football game.
However, I can always, always, always rely on the presence of Nazis as a guiding light through a fog of disinformation.
Some things are relative, and politics can absolutely have it’s opposing sides and grey areas.
But evil and good are absolute. As are the lessons of history.
So, just look for the Nazis, and make your own decisions."

Mitch07102 8 Jan 12
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Excellent way to cut through all the debate and discussion about whose side is right or wrong. Nazis = always fucking wrong.

dkp93 Level 8 Jan 12, 2021

Where ever Nazis/Proud Boiz are expect violence..and Antifa..this time I'll bring my Louisville slugger..fuck them up..Always..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 12, 2021

In my opinion I'd have to say you're quite spot-on, now the guy in the horns now seems to me he was doing a poor Haggar the horrible impression only with no class whatsoever. 😁

oldFloyd Level 8 Jan 12, 2021

Another tip off is the confederate flag.


No Nazis ever

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 12, 2021


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