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NRA Will File for Bankruptcy and Flee to Texas to Avoid NY Litigation

The National Rifle Association announced Friday that it plans to file for bankruptcy and move to Texas to reorganize, fleeing ongoing litigation brought against it by the New York State attorney general Letitia James, who has sought to dissolve the organization for violating its nonprofit status.

Wow, you mean the once all-powerful NRA is actually going bankrupt? Say it ain’t so! Guess the money kind of dried up, ever since Maria Butina, that fun-loving, gun-loving, red-headed, vixen of a Russian spy, with her fists full of cash ready to be laundered - had to get the hell out of Dodge rather lickety-split.

Now, if those NRA folks are seriously that desperate for money, then I’d suggest they try going through the pockets of some of Wayne LaPierre’s beautifully tailored $5000 suits, to see if they could find any spare change there. But, not to worry. Hell, maybe after he leaves office, perhaps Donald Trump could loan them some money?

But let’s face it, the truth be known - when it comes to killing our fellow Americans, the NRA is finding it pretty darn hard to compete these days, especially against other deadly predators like the coronavirus. I mean, how is the NRA’s meager 19,223 gun deaths last year, supposed to compete with Donald Trump’s 400,000 COVID deaths?

Anyway, if the NRA does decide to move to Texas, then they ought to consider moving right down Brownsville. Then, instead of being called the NRA, they could be known as the BRA. Of course, given the NRA’s corrupt, criminal history, most of us would actually prefer that they were DOA. That, in turn, would have us all shouting “Frigg’in A!”


johnnyrobish 8 Jan 16
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A lot like tRump, chapter 11 and keep their individual cash in their pockets.


Couldn’t happen to a worse group

Canndue Level 8 Jan 16, 2021


bobwjr Level 10 Jan 16, 2021

I blame these assholes for so many truly evil things including getting Trump in office and the 1/6/21 insurrection.

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