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Pat Robertson Calls COVID Relief Bill a Socialist Plot to Destroy America

On his 700 Club program, Pat Robertson is now claiming that American families don’t really need any financial help from the government and that President Biden's 1.9 trillion COVID relief bill is all part of an effort to turn our country into a socialist nation and to bankrupt America.

Gee, is it just me, or do poor old Pat’s grifting skills seem to be slipping a bit? I mean, hasn’t it even occurred to him that once his loyal flock receives their COVID Relief checks, they can relieve themselves of all that “sinful” government money - simply by sending it his way?

That said, I can’t think of anything more enjoyable for people struggling to make ends meet through no fault of their own, than getting “trickle-down economics” lessons from a “Multi-Millionaire Grifter for Jesus” - who pays no taxes whatsoever.

Now, to be completely honest, I was rather surprised to learn that Pat Roberson was even still around. I was under the impression he had died some years ago, and was well on his way back down to hell by now - but apparently, it turns out that sneaky, old Satan - has gone and implemented himself a strict “no return policy.”


johnnyrobish 8 Feb 9
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Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"

I am not a fan of Pat at all, nor religion. Too much of anything can be unbalanced and unhealthy even too much socialism like communism. Same with capitalism VS corperatism



Charlene Level 9 Feb 9, 2021

Thought he died too. Maybe they stuffed him and added some Animatronics? It’s amazing what you can buy with tax free dollars.

Canndue Level 8 Feb 9, 2021


bobwjr Level 10 Feb 9, 2021

The old Nazi is using right wing propaganda to try to keep it a fascist state because all that juicy money should go to tax cuts and subsidies for ultra rich. When is Congress going to start taxing these monsters?


Pat Robertson and his ilk discredited themselves long ago except among morons.

Theresa_N Level 8 Feb 9, 2021
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