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Ultra-Conservatives Move From Stop the Steal to Stop the Vaccine

Although negative reactions have been extremely rare, right-wing conservatives are now bashing the safety and efficacy of coronavirus vaccines in an effort to try to undermine the government’s vaccination efforts, now that the “Stop the Steal” movement is all but kaput.

Laugh if you want, but my story confirms these conservative’s deepest fears. The fact is, I got my first vaccination in mid-January in my right arm, which then completely fell off on Inauguration Day. Then, it miraculously grew back on Groundhog Day, only to fall off again on Valentine’s Day.

Even so, my doctor tells me there’s a good 50/50 chance that my arm may grow back on “Good Friday.” Frankly, I’d like to believe him and stay hopeful, but Sen. Rand Paul warns that you can’t trust doctors like Dr. Fauci anymore. Sen. Paul says making people wear masks “is just theater” and, he may be right.

After all, Hollywood stars do love “theater” and now that I’ve given it some thought, it occurred to me that this whole mask craze can be traced directly back to “The Lone Ranger” and “Zorro.” And who were they? I’ll tell you who - they were great big Hollywood stars! All I can say is “coincidence?” I think not!


johnnyrobish 8 Mar 27
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So here in my slice of delusional heaven I was talk'en to one of the many militia terrorist thug "patriots" about the truth of the speculation that the bigger the gun the smaller the penis. He told me, "That ain't so. Ya want me to prove it?" I passed but then we got to talking about the vaccines. He said, "I ain't tak'en no vaccine. Q told us that Doctor Stella Immanuel, (smarter than even Rand Paul), said the vaccine is made from space alien DNA and will turn you into one of them lizard people that is try'en to take over the world if'en wez get vaccinated." And that is why a large segment of the population here in conspiracyville are proud saviors of our world and soldiers in the fight against vaccines.

ArthurK Level 6 Mar 27, 2021

Sorry, not sorry...I rcv my 2nd shot of the Pfizer on the 30th, & with a 91 yo Mom at home, I'm more than glad to get it. Not a fan of antivaxxers in general, tho I won't go into specifics because I don't need the drama &, except for the fact that they endanger others, don't care what happens to them.
Are there many issues w/ Big Pharma, no doubt at all, but I'm not traveling down rabbit-holes just to prove a shaky point. Good Luck, y'all.

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 27, 2021

Alot of people are really afraid to talk about covid and vaccines. There many other kinds of people other than right wing, who are not for taking the vaccines. Enough that they won't meet their targets of 80% vaccines Americans. Plus, far less people globally. I for one, do not want to be any part of these vaccine large corporations greed.

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