Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert Downvote National Marrow Donor Program
In what is being described as a move completely devoid of compassion, CNN is reporting that Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO) were the only two members of Congress who voted against a bill that would have reauthorized the National Marrow Donor Program, which matches bone marrow donors and cord blood units with patients who have leukemia and other diseases.
Now, just who in the hell would vote against a Bone Marrow Donor program? Hell, I don’t even think Bond villains would try to pull off something that evil. I mean, what the hell? Could they possibly have been bought off by some pro-Leukemia Lobby group or something? Or, perhaps they think that leukemia is really just a hoax? Either way, I gotta hand it to them, because not only are these two “owning the Libs,” but now they’re “owning the Leukemia patients” too.
Of course, I’m pretty sure if they were ever asked, the two would immediately inform you that “this was a vote against The Deep State trying to put people on lists, so that they can suck all the bone marrow - right out of us.” Oh, the horrors!
Now, in their defense, about the only “donors” these two are likely to have been familiar with, are the babbling morons who give them money to fund their campaigns. You know, people who are theoretically dumber than even these two actually are. Anyway, I suppose if there’s anything to be learned from all of this, it’s that simply being a former “internet troll,” isn’t necessarily the best job qualification for holding public office.
The one proudly wears her iq on her hat!!
Now now let's not go off the deep end of condemnation here. Ole Johnny may have a point that they are just trying to protect us from gov'ment deep state Bill Gate's micro chip infused bone marrow. Bone marrow that would not only let you be tracked but turn you into a baby eating Democrat elite. Q has let them in on the secret. It is their sworn duty as Congresswomen to protect us when the rest of the Congress won't.
All excellent points!!!!!!!!!! lol
All together now
Anything you can screw, I screw up more so, I fuck up anything greater than you
if their IQ was one point lower they'd be a carrot....
And bare in mind that the Welsh word for Carrot is Moron.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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