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How can this be stopped? WTF! She says a grass roots bottom up vibe!
gigihein 8 May 15
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Nothing new here. Just another NGO helping a party dictate legislature, in this case voting laws. NGO groups and corporations have been writing our legislature towards bill designs for quite some time now, decades, for both parties. Their agenda is to limit how far a bill will go towards benefiting American's without losing profit growth. Spoken hype is the initial introduction to society, followed by a facade of party negotiations designed to pacify society lead by NGO's and corporations. Almost nothing goes through our legislature process today without the concerns of the ruling class being a first priority.

I see a comment below about republicans not wanting democracy. Well the sun isn't shining any brighter from the democrat side either. Democrats have been virtually silent when it comes to the republicans interstate cross checking method of erasing people from voter list. Why is that when it erases mainly their voting block? I didn't hear any Clinton supporters bitching when her and the DNC waged their criminal acts against Sanders from caucus to caucus and suppressing voters in Sanders strong holds on the east coast, in Nevada and California especially, prime areas for Sanders to win that primary in 2016.

Just as the ACA, Obama care act, was grossly thwarted from becoming his spoken intent. And most people supporting democrats compliantly accept/ed the ACA as having been something good still today, although all it did was redistribute the cost of healthcare onto mostly the middle and upper middle working class, as prices continue to drastically climb, which was initially one of the leading reasons to confront the issue, while today we have nearly as many without healthcare as before, another initial reason.

We're seeing the same reactions to nearly everything Biden is currently and falsely speaking about. It's all a facade being narrated as party division while the ruling classes NGO groups and corporations dictate the outcome from behind closed doors and bribery donations to our politicians within their Jester lobbyist.

Video goes into the Kemp issue. Well Georgia and Kemp have been drastically under covered since 2016, especially 2018 when Stacy Abrams ran against him for governor. Which this asshat didn't talk about. And that's how Georgia has erases 100's of thousands from their voting list during that period of time using the interstate cross checking method I mentioned above. This asshat didn't talk about this then though. !why not! Nor did most of MSCM. !why not! It received very little coverage in the MSCM while independent media was all over it. I covered it in my group nearly non stop in 2018 to get the message out to Georgia voters to re-register. Anyone can go to Greg Palast's web site to get that information. [] Where is Stacy Abrams today. Well, she, like all good puppets got a bump up into the Biden realm to keep her quiet on the real bigger issue in Georgia. Which I also warned about. Why is the liberal MSCM hyperventilating on this relatively smaller issue when there is a more major concern? Well the answer is in this post. Got critical thought?

Hidden Horrors in the Georgia Vote Law

Most of these people, if not all, are open to ethics committee hearings being brought up on them. Why don't the democrats challenge these actions?


I agree. DNC only no.inatescorporate Dems. I am hoping for more Justice Dems who don't take big corp money.

@gigihein it won't happen in that party. What have the squad accomplished? They virtually bow to the establishment on every essential issue. AOC is herself is aligned with a fake socialist group that does the same thing. She introduced herself into the DC arena with the help of the MSCM on a false persona. Others in the squad used the relief packages as benefits to their campaigns and husbands businesses at a time when it was discovered small businesses were quickly left out as funds were sucked up by larger corporations who used loops holes to grab funds meant for them. These are all indications to how they few the rest of us and their real priorities.


Republicans don't want a democracy

bobwjr Level 10 May 15, 2021

They are showing themselves more and more every day. They don’t care when they are exposed anymore as they know the MAGAts will believe and support everything they do to prevent Black and Brown people from voting.

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