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Biden dethrones the myth of Reagan's welfare queen.


UrsiMajor 8 May 16
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Yea I read that earlier. Answer one fake story with another fake story. Same ole story here when it comes to Biden. I'm actually amazed CNN had the balls to post this publicly while admitting to some of Biden's past endeavors of being an accomplice within creating harmful legislature. One of them on this very issue while working with Bill Clinton which gave the same impression within narrative back then. Biden has been no friend by any means to the African American citizenry!

Another note would be how this fake story again leads all minds within its narrative to the same people as from its original birth. Leading us all to believe that only a certain type of people, outside whiteness, tend to find ways to take advantage of the system. Even seemingly party line. When the reality of a genuine story would also include white people and republican supporters. How many republican supporters who cry out the loudest on this issue are a part of the largest group of people (white) who tend to take advantage of the system also. I've lived in and know white people on the poor sides of cities and towns, know/n republican supporters in rural and southern areas, who have questionably distorted information to take advantage of the system. But for some reason these people are all left out of the negative aspect of this "story" to the extent every time welfare queen is set as a narrative. Notice how the narrative is changed for the benefit of whites below.

{Porter says in his book that the US has "the most meager social safety net in the club of advanced nations" because so many White Americans have been persuaded to oppose government programs that, while helping them, also help what they consider to be undeserving Black and brown people.}

Far from the opening of the article!

{The sheer scale of Biden's multitrillion-dollar effort to end the pandemic and make life better for millions of struggling Americans has inspired some commentators to say that Biden has closed the door on the Reagan era.}

I'll argue we'll see the same results we got from Obama's hyperbole speak of "yes we can". Biden will deliver another (no we can't) for the same aspects of society. Inequality will be worse under Biden as his infrastructure plans will benefit large corporations, CEO's, board members and stock holders as the deals are made with them. Wages and bonuses will go only to them, no major changes for wages for the workers.

{"It's not just that government is heading in a new direction, it's the whole paradigm of the role of government in American life is shifting.}

What a fallacy. All indications today present nothing of the sort. Hold on to your mask. The next climb in outbreaks and fake party division has another reality in store for us. Business as usual.

John Blake should have stayed with positive remarks on essential workers. Period. That would have been a hell of a real story.

Direct quote from the article,"What was once seen as Biden's vulnerability as a Democratic candidate -- his mixed record on race -- has become a presidential asset. It's easier for him to propose plans that help people of color without sparking a White backlash." Read the article for more details on his plans. Talk is cheap. Policy and action are a different story.

@UrsiMajor same as we seen from Obama.

I read the article as I was contemplating posting it in my group when I seen it come up here. If you correlate the information within with history, history already provides the answers and image of outcome. I feel fairly safe my conjecture will be for the most part accurate. Policy without action arrives to nowhere. Policy without funding as is often the case goes nowhere. Policy within purposeful tribal agenda perception management when controlled by public relation firms, NGO groups, and corporations either go nowhere or are highly diminished. The talk indeed is cheap. That's the history.

@William_Mary So this isn't action? " The American Rescue Plan, which was signed into law in March, includes direct cash payments to struggling families. Two other plans would rebuild the country's infrastructure and expand tax credits to help working families and make education more affordable."

Please enlighten us on what action needs to be taken, how the American Rescue Plan could be doing more with a hostile force known as Republicans. It's nice to think we can do anything with opposing forces in the background.

@UrsiMajor as I said above (Inequality will be worse under Biden as his infrastructure plans will benefit large corporations, CEO's, board members and stock holders as the deals are made with them. Wages and bonuses will go only to them, no major changes for wages for the workers.)

We're throwing money at a issue in which many people don't need the money. Sure, it's helping those who have been tossed to the curve. But why were they tossed to the curve in the first place? Well, the first 2 relief bills for smaller businesses were highjacked by large corporations and restaurant chains. That also includes by some of representatives businesses, campaigns, and their spouses businesses.

I have to ask. While that was happening under the trump administration, were you complaining about ethics then? Because that same issue still exists. What little they are getting now is to little to late.

Your hostile force leads me towards tribal politics which I consider as the problem with most peoples politic think. If you don't recognize the hostility from the democrat party you're allowing yourself to miss the big picture. Biden is essentially following the very same policies as trump from a to z and you're missing that. So you're probably missing detailed information on how his plans are currently being diminished from within his own party and he himself.

The whole process of handling the virus and economy was a bust from the gate. Maybe you missed China's example while falling for all the negative false coverage to wage a cold war with them? I don't know. But the essential relative message here is that the issue is still being handled as a corporate benefit rather that a social emergency. The country should have been shut down by February of 2020 and all this would have been reduced to minor outbreaks easily handled after 2 months saving trillions that went to corporations and the ruling class. All aspects of relief you mentioned above, as far as monetary expenditure, most went to the top few percent while this issue has been dragged out within a social murder campaign for their benefit. trump-biden one in the same.


Joe is really amazing me. I have come to the conclusion that he has no more political aspirations other than to right wrongs so is taking on some pretty thorny issues!


About time someone did

bobwjr Level 10 May 16, 2021

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