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Former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Endorses Military Coup

In response to a question from the audience, disgraced former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was caught on video endorsing a military coup against the United States - similar to the deadly coup that took place in Myanmar, at a QAnon gathering in Texas.

Now, you can call me old-fashioned if you like, but I still prefer that we appoint “National Security Advisors” who tend not to advocate the violent overthrow of our government by a military coup. I’ve always been kind of funny that way.

Of course, Twitter suspended Michael Flynn’s account way back in January over his QAnon involvement. This, still has Republicans mad as hell, insisting that virtually everything Michael Flynn has said or done, has been perfectly treasonable.


johnnyrobish 8 June 1
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New charges coming

bobwjr Level 10 June 1, 2021

One hopes.


He needs to go to jail. Pardon or no pardon!

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