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LINK Biden clings to the possibility of a bipartisan infrastructure breakthrough - POLITICO

😞 This guy. #smh

He learned absolutely nothing in 8 years of Obama coddling and ass-kissing the Republicans. 😣

He learned nothing from his EPIC fail 1994 crime bill.

He's pretty much learned NOTHING about American politics since he fell in love with Strom Thurman and the other segregationists he still speaks ever so fondly of. sigh.

It's not brain surgery! Be the DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT, use your leverage and spine and start getting some shit accomplished.


SeaGreenEyez 9 June 3
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He's a republican at heart

Buddha Level 8 June 4, 2021

The Democrats are idiot pussies. I hate that the party with the right ideals are weak, useless morons.


Nailed it!❤❤❤

Charlene Level 9 June 3, 2021

He is trying to get some sort of bi-partisanship happening as did Obama. There is no Presidential magic wand. Obama had neither the House or the Senate after his first two years. I would like you to tell me what he could do. Biden can't force Dems to get rid of the filibuster and McConnell has Republican Senators by the short hairs, they have no balls for him to get a hold of. What is it you think he can do. The only real hope is to pick up more seats in both houses next year. There have always been conservative Democrats in both houses, and they generally come from conservative states. The alternative to them would be more Republicans. I don't know what the answer is except to take more seats in both houses.

Sticks48 Level 9 June 3, 2021

@SeaGreenEyez You haven't named one thing he can do. So the Texas Dems walked off. It will delay not change a thing. if Presidents didn't have limited power Trump would have really wreaked havoc. The only thing that stopped him was losing the House. What did Obama pull off, Obamacare? He did that because he had the Congress and it was still hard to get some Dems to go along with it. Don't tell me there are "things" Biden can do, what "things". I am sure he will do what he can. he knows how Washington works. Actually to say that is NEVER what Republicans care about is wrong. All the things that Johnson got passed through Congress was done with the help of Republicans over the objections of Southern Democrats. Those days are gone and if we don't get some of that back nothing major will happen as nothing has happened except Obamacare. I totally understand your frustration as I feel the same way, but to put it all on Biden is just not accurate. Those two Senators represent their states, not the President, and they are red states. The both of them may come around yet. We will see. Biden knows he has to get third right or it could all go bye-bye next year after the 22 elections. I am on your side, you know.

@SeaGreenEyez This guy doesn't know shit. He has no idea what Biden is doing behind the scenes. The legal authority to wipe out student loan debt is in question by legal scholars and will most likely end up in the Supreme Court. You can't just pack up in a couple of days and get out of Afghanistan. I was in the Army it takes months to get everyone out safely. Our quick with drawl from Vietnam was a disaster. This guy knows nothing. All of his simple answers are not simple at all. He is ju8st another asshole with a microphone who knows nothing. Like us he has opinions and that is it.

@SeaGreenEyez, forget threatening Manchin and Sinema.

Call Bitch McCornhole into a private meeting in the Oval Office. Tell him that his statement about his job being to obstruct everything is all the justification needed for a finding that he is an enemy combatant, with all of the rights and privileges appertaining there to (i.e., a lifetime sinecure in Guantanamo). He can begin to work in a bipartisan fashion, or get used to life on a tropical island.

Alternatively, Manchin could wake up and realize that the reason the Senate isn't working the way he believes it should is Bitch McCornhole. Manchin could prove just how powerful he is by issuing a manifesto telling Turtleface to either act in good faith in a bipartisan manner, or he will have no choice but to end the filibuster and vote with the Democrats to get things done.

BTW, I'm not holding my breath waiting for either of those things to happen. I don't look good in that shade of blue.

@SeaGreenEyez l did not get nasty with you. I got nasty with Kyle. His simplistic ideas on the way Washington works and the power of the Presidency are not realistic. I find his approach is no more than a left wing version of the right wing versions of radio talk show hosts. Niether one is realistic and are nothing more than attempts to rile folks up. Neither Kyle, you, or l have no idea what Biden is doing behind the scenes, and to claim to is sheer folly.

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