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LINK Let's talk about how the Trump years impacted capitalism.... - YouTube

Young Republicans are turning against capitalism.

JonnaBononna 7 June 27
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Interesting! His opinions are thought provoking but not edgy enough imho. I like that birdsong in the background…finch? There’s no progressives or left leaning politicians in US. AOC and Bernie and ‘squad’ are moderate right. Chomsky,Zinn and Occupy Wall Street are shunned by media and real leftists are followed and controlled by government… think Snowden and Wikileaks…or Zizek and every environmentalist group


An interesting take on this, which Beau is good at. Socialism/Communism (tho two very different things, actually) have been the scare words in this country for decades, even tho most folk didn't really understand the terms. The Right waved them around like evil talismans to keep them on the straight & narrow, but they are losing their sting, & as Beau stated, more folks of all types are actually getting educated on the terms.
We'll see where this actually leads - we are living in "interesting times" for sure.

phxbillcee Level 10 June 27, 2021

Beau is such a reasonable voice. He did a video on guns that made me rethink my stance.


At age 21 I was conservative. Reagan came along and I was a card carrying Republican. Today I am a Progressive. That means Bernie Sanders and AOC. I'm not into socialism or communism but I do have social security. We should do anything possible to expand it and protect it. Without it the world as we know it goes away and we are all put back into 1900. Worldwide inflation tells me that that era will not work for us any longer. Wake up! Support Democracy and progress.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 27, 2021

What Bernie and AOC promote id 5 social democracy. The democratic party we have now is really center right.

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