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2020 GOP Senate Nominee Claims the Equality Act Will ‘Illegalize’ Jesus Christ

The Equality Act is a bill before the United States Congress, that would simply prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, federally funded programs, etc. It doesn’t dictate what churches or religious people must believe, but that hasn’t stopped right-wing, QAnon, and flat Earth activist Lauren Witzke - the GOP’s failed 2020 Senate candidate from Delaware - from going on Alan Jones’ InfoWars and claiming that the bill will “illegalize Jesus Christ” and “categorize the Scripture as hate speech.”

Well, given her stance on immigrants, I can’t imagine why she’d ever object to anyone “trying to illegalize Jesus Christ.” I mean, by her standards - isn’t Jesus basically just another “illegal immigrant” from the Middle East? So, what’s the problem? Why, if you don’t believe me, then try telling some border patrol agent “but, but, I’m the son of God” - and see how far that gets you.

The fact is, she and her pals were telling everyone way back during the election that if Biden won, he would immediately outlaw Christianity, heterosexual sex, abort all fetuses, put a tariff on prayer, confiscate all guns, and make all right hand turns on a red light punishable by death. Of course, her concerns about the Equality Act have nothing to do with any of that. She doesn’t like the Equality Act for one simple reason - she’s opposed to EQUALITY.


johnnyrobish 8 July 5
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ObamaCare must have made it easier for her to get those psych meds, she obviously needs.

BirdMan1 Level 8 July 6, 2021

The death knell for the GOP is spewed from the mouth of her ilk, so is it said, so it shall be written. Their gobshite will bring about that death.

Charlene Level 9 July 5, 2021

Local nutjob and druggie , was a drug mule

bobwjr Level 10 July 5, 2021

Trump cultist, Q cultist, an idiot, and needs her roots touched up if she wants to be part of Hitler's Master Race. I may have missed a couple.

MizJ Level 8 July 5, 2021


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