2 5
Love Mehdi Hasan and Jon Favreau of Crooked. and other hosts as well. It is one of my favorites. I so hope for progressives to take over.I don't think the dinosaurs will snow the younger generation. AOC and others that are progressive always clean the clocks with their intelligent and articulate discussion. It is embarassing that Biden said it would be chaos if the filibuster was banned. We vote for these asses to work and not babbling until the effin bell rings so they can go home. WTF!
gigihein 8 July 27
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Was never a Biden fan. He is the epitome of a corporate Dem. That being said, anything is better than tRump & progressives may be able to push him on some issues.
He, Manchin, Sinema, et al need to stop catering to pie-in-the-sky "bipartisanship". It won't happen. Now, may killing the filibuster come back & bite Dems in the future? Maybe, but it is an outdated method anyway & needs to go regardless. & until it is gone nothing will pass in the Senate. Period. Moscow Mitch has made that crystal clear. The Dems need to stop catering to the Repugs who are just taking advantage of them (or, giving them cover/deniability) & do what they need to do to get any of the proposed measures passed.

phxbillcee Level 10 July 28, 2021

I think bi-partisanship is a euphemism for continuing to take bribes aka campaign contributions


Biden, Shummer, Pelosi the list goes on..they need to step down or be retired..

Charlene Level 9 July 28, 2021

Yes, we need more progressives.

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