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Mississippi Poison Control Warns Against Treating COVID with Feed Store Medication

After Tucker Carlson devoted a segment of one of his recent shows to biologist Bret Weinstein, who claimed the drug “ivermectin,” commonly used to treat heartworm in domesticated dogs, cats, and horses, could make COVID vaccines irrelevant - the state of Mississippi Poison Control Center has been forced to issue a warning to its citizens against ingesting drugs purchased from “feed stores,” after numerous people have been hospitalized.

So, let me get this straight - folks in Mississippi need to be warned not to take drugs intended for dogs, cats, and horses, but are refusing COVID vaccines because Fox News says COVID vaccines are just “experimental?” Now, I’m guessing that must be because Mississippi residents know “feed store medicines won’t make you sterile and don’t have Bill Gates’ powerful 5G microchips in them.”

Well, go ahead and laugh if you want, but the truth be known, I’m fully vaccinated, and ever since I’ve had this strong, inexplicable desire to try and reinstall Windows 95 on all my computers. And, what’s really odd is - I’m a Mac user. Well, that does it, next time I need some reliable coronavirus advice, I think I’ll defer to my “IT guy,” and forget about Dr. Fauci.

Of course, the insanity of all this is, these morons are actually consuming drugs intended for animals, when they could simply get the COVID vaccine. Fact is, I’m perfectly fine with Trump supporters demanding the “freedumb” to take animal drugs if they insist, just as long as if and when they become ill, they seek medical attention from veterinarians and animal hospitals, and don’t clog up medical facilities intended for people.


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 21
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Dr. Carlson will happily suck out their brains, and feed them whatever shit they are willing to buy!

BirdMan1 Level 8 Aug 21, 2021

Only in ‘merica

Canndue Level 8 Aug 21, 2021

Funny thing is these morons don't understand the difference between ingestion and injecting. Hell, they probably can't even spell either of those words. You cannot immunize yourself through ingesting a medication, it needs to be injected into the blood.

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 21, 2021

My dogs have always had their little "treat" containing Ivermectin to PREVENT heartworm every kills the larvae deposited by mosquitos in the bloodstream before they can grow into actual worms that choke the heart. Once/if they get heartworm, it is a very, very tough fight, not using Ivermectin at all........
The dose is based on weight. Feed store Ivermectin is a much higher dose for larger animals like pigs, sheep & cattle.
What moron would think that any of this would effect a Virus?!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 21, 2021


Charlene Level 9 Aug 21, 2021

Thin that Republiturd herd .

GEGR Level 7 Aug 21, 2021

Mississippi where relatives marry and have kids, Carlson should be charged with reckless endangerment

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 21, 2021

There are people out there with some very fucked up mental processes …how did they get that way?

The US education system. It has gone down the toilet the past 40 years.


Let the festivities begin!

glennlab Level 10 Aug 21, 2021


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