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Alaska Anti-Mask State Senator Banned by Airline Can’t Get Back to Capitol

The Anchorage Daily News reports that anti-mask Alaska State Senator and Oral Roberts University graduate Lora Reinbold 🌈, is complaining about not being able to make it from her home to legislative sessions in Juneau, unless she drives for two days through Canada, because American Airlines banned her for repeatedly harassing boarding staff and flight attendants over mask requirements. That said, Sen. Reinbold claims she was really banned for political reasons and is demanding she be paid her state senator salary, even if she doesn’t show up for work.

Gee, getting paid for not working? I thought that’s what Republicans call socialism? All kidding aside, I realize these are some serious allegations Sen. Reinbold is making! Go ahead and laugh, but the way I see it - getting banned from flying during a COVID pandemic is nothing to scoff at, or was that “cough at?” Or, how about, “sneeze at?” Anyway, one of those. Besides, even if voters decided to send her packing, how’s she gonna travel? Maybe Sarah Palin could give a ride?

Hey, I've got an idea. Perhaps the airline might consider letting her fly “unmasked” - in the cargo bay? Or, how about she take a hot air balloon? She’d definitely have no problem filling it up with “hot air.” Of course, if it were up to me, I’d simply tell her to take an Uber. On the other hand, given the way she’s been treating those poor airline employees, she sure sounds like the kind of “ogre” who could probably just fly right on up to Juneau - on her broom. Problem solved!


johnnyrobish 8 Sep 11
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this is an interesting take, in order to drive or take the ferry, she must put on a mask on all ferries in Alaskan waters. No mask, no ride

glennlab Level 10 Sep 12, 2021

Hey, there are some nice people who ride brooms, other than that spot on.

I know, but I only support "broom-riders" who are union.


Hey, she's an Oral Roberts Grad, of course she can't think about consequences, certainly would not consider her impact on others, and probably thinking that Jeebus will come to her rescue.

BirdMan1 Level 8 Sep 12, 2021

Gee, treating others like shit because you’re a MAGAt who spreads lies and now can’t fly with others has consequences! Who knew? 🤣🤣🤣

If she had been a regular citizen instead of a legislator, she probably would have ended up in cuffs instead of just being banned.

@glennlab Very true Glenn. 😉

No kidding Glenn!


Rent from Enterprise, they'll pick your stupid ass up & you can drive all the way across Alaska, ROFLMAO,

AnneWimsey Level 9 Sep 12, 2021

Oh poor Rethug has to mask bitch..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 12, 2021

Republicans always think the laws don’t apply to them and if they are the biggest blowhards, they can be scofflaws with total immunity. All of them should be in jail because their behavior and lack of punishment is encouraging others to emulate the lawlessness.


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Just because she is a legislator doesn't mean she can violate FAA rules or company policy. They should have fined her and charged her for interfering in a flight crews operation and failure to follow flighjt crew instructions. thats up to a $25,000 fine for the first offense.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 12, 2021

Arrogant bitch can hire a small plane or drive

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 12, 2021

Fuck her. Private company bitch. And, the Canadians will keep an eye, making sure she won't divert from the route as well as ENFORCE mask wearing.

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