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Hey, Bring Those 2022 Mid-Terms On!

BirdMan1 8 Sep 24
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Less of them what a wonderful idea

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 25, 2021

The Covid epidemic was started when trump decided he did not want the numbers of people with the disease to go up. This meant that the reporting of these deaths had to be stopped and so he started a plan to put forth that the deaths were not from the virus but from something else that was already here, like pneumonia. Once the numbers of dead were growing fast enough he had to come up with something else other than the vaccine as the vaccine was no ready yet. So all the false information started to be spread and those who thought trump was the greatest followed suit and spread the noise. We are now farther down the road and there is something good that can come from all of this. Anyone associated with a republican or trump is already classified by trump as being so incompetent that they should not be in public office or in any other job with any responsibility. So do not vote for any of these people as we need someone who is smart enough to know something they were not told that has no truth attached. Vote the bastards out. Otherwise we will get more of this shit and have no country left to live within.

" enough to know something they were not told that has no truth attached." There is a problem with this sentence, but the major drift is on target.


Yup, Red States/Counties experiencing high C19 Infection/Deaths..cause you know medical professionals are lying and Trumpster is wicked smaht and Know everything about sympathy/ us a favor just stay home and die..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 24, 2021

And that's 2020, before the delta variant.

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