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Today's Most Disgusting Person

Neighbor Plays Monkey Noises And Slings Racial Slurs When Black Family Leaves Or Arrives At Their Home: Officials Say There's No Crime Being Committed

I'm not certain who's most deplorable. The racist asshole doing these things or the officials who refuse to use the laws that do indeed exist to combat things of this nature. 😣😣😣


SeaGreenEyez 9 Oct 1
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Where does this "man" work? Contact his employer and explain the situation to them.

Have a number of people contact the employer and let them know that if they can't get him to stop they need to fire him or be picketed and boycotted.

mcgeo52 Level 8 Oct 2, 2021

It's Bible belt Tennessee ,racism is the norm, maybe a peace warrant

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 2, 2021

Where are the other neighbors? Why aren't they playing offensive music at this person in support of the black family? I would do anything to encourage this heinous person to leave.

Emerald Level 7 Oct 2, 2021

The Black family should play Battling Banjos whenever the White family leaves or comes home..

Charlene Level 9 Oct 2, 2021

I was thinking the black family should play Min Louis Farrakhan's "white devil" rhetoric. Too much?
(of course I say that in jest)

@TMA2NC yasss..much better than dueling banjos...


As utterly shitty and awful what this person is doing to his neighbors... technically he isn't breaking any laws except maybe a noise ordinance. Because what he is doing is rather vaguely insulting and rude it isn't really illegal especially since it isn't directed at a specific person.

The neighbors should contact a lawyer who might know of some local or state laws that could be used against this guy. Also, if there's a home owner's association there might be rules that could be used to stop this jerk.


You know damn well if a family of Black people were harassing a White family in a similar fashion this "law enforcement" officer would have taken action against the Black family. I grew up with separate bathrooms and water fountains in some places and worse. I am so tired of this shit, especially from these so called public servants and protectors of the public.

Sticks48 Level 9 Oct 2, 2021

The victims need a good lawyer to sue those Officials! Set her & her family up for life, no doubt!


It might be possible to get the power company to turn off the electricity to this house. Or it might be possible to turn off the electricity without the power company. Are meter boxes outside the house. One would have to figure out a way to do this without being on their property or getting caught as it might be a crime. Also the people might be large enough assholes to have and use guns to defend themselves. If the power box is outside the house and it is read by using a signal reader then the signal can be hacked and the electricity could be turned on and off at will, Be sure the signal you decide to use cannot be tranced. Oh, I have not written this as it may be used to determine that I am creating a crime by giving out the information.



bobwjr Level 10 Oct 1, 2021

Think we should form a posse and go there and confront the cretins. Dirty Harry


This is the most infuriating thing I've read in a long time! (Well...other than politics, of course.) I wonder if there's a local ACLU chapter which could help steer her to appropriate legal action?


Harassment is a crime.

barjoe Level 9 Oct 1, 2021

Is a part of this story being omitted?

yvilletom Level 8 Oct 1, 2021

Bunch of dick heads

harassment is not a crime? Seriously?

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