Trump Ordered Intel Director to Investigate if Chinese Thermostats Hacked Voting Machines
A new book by Jonathan Karl of ABC News reports that Donald Trump instructed Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to investigate a bizarre conspiracy theory concocted by Trump Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, who claimed Chinese wireless thermostats were used to manipulate voting machines in the 2020 US presidential election.
Wow, talk about a “smart thermostat.” These suckers not only set your room to a comfortable temperature, but they can also switch Aunt Gertrude’s vote for Donald Trump - right over to Joe Biden. Why, I bet these thermostats were made by the very same people that produced those secret microwaves Obama used to spy on everyone over at Trump Tower.
But, come on! Chinese thermostats? That’s a bit out there. Wonder what’s next, blaming COVID-19 on Chinese checkers? Have these folks all lost all their “marbles?” Hey, wait a minute! Come to think of it, I do remember back in November 2020, thinking “it’s freezing cold in this voting booth,” and asking “can someone please turn up the thermostat?” Gee, could I have thrown the whole election?
Of course, we all know this Chinese thermostat conspiracy theory is completely bonkers. I mean, anyone who knows anything about technology, will tell you that you don’t need some wireless Chinese thermostat to change votes in an election. Why, all you really need to do, is simply say “Alexa, switch all Trump’s votes over to Joe Biden.” Mission accomplished!
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Weeelllll, nooooooo, I am going with Korean thermostats here, sorry.........
A whole new world of crazy. I'm starting to think a Planet of the Apes would be saner.
Indeed .
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