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MSNBC - Rep. Gosar's 'Despicable' Attack On AOC Blasted By His Own Sister

phxbillcee 10 Nov 9
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Another idiot who is not smart enough to think for himself.

Think? The man can’t form a coherent sentence when speaking. He’s truly lost his mind.


He's another treasonous pos

Charlene Level 9 Nov 9, 2021

Remember how enraged the Republicans were when Kathy Griffin did her Trump head stunt. They are such hypocrites.

"Kathy Griffin's former attorney, Lisa Bloom, said the comedian was under federal investigation in 2017 as a result of the stunt. The Secret Service responded quickly on Twitter, noting plans to investigate all credible threats. The government agency reportedly questioned Griffin for at least an hour. However, the investigation was closed in July 2017."

Federal agents did detain the controversial comedienne at an airport during travel for her tour. Griffin told Howard Stern:

"It’s scary because you don’t know what they’ve said. So then they take your passport, they take your devices, they send you to a room, and you sit there not knowing what’s going to happen next.'"

Let's just see if there will be any repercussions for Rep. Gosar.

nogod4me Level 8 Nov 9, 2021

If Nancy and Chuck don’t do something about this monster they have lost it! They got that stupid MTG thrown off her committee’s, so they should do something to this prick!!!!

Yep. I'm sure he'll be looked at by the committee, if they really plan to do anything


Gosar should be removed from public office and his ignorant and threatening social media posts have to go as well. At the least, he should be censored. Why? This goes beyond freedom of speech.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 9, 2021

He is a Repugnicant. What else needs to be said of him?


Fucking moronic asshole needs to be in prison

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 9, 2021

Yeah, his siblings cannot stand him. They even campaigned against him.

His siblings cannot stand him, he is stupid beyond most people's ability to comprehend. He will probably run for president. they seem to like stupid.

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