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Woman seen comforting Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother is a consultant for picking the best jury, as she helped do at the OJ trial.

Open SmartNews and read "Woman Seen Comforting Kyle Rittenhouse’s Mom in Court Is Actually a Consultant Who Selected ‘Perfect Juror’ for O.J. Simpson Trial" here: []
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Beowulfsfriend 9 Nov 10
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FACT: Kyle Rittenhouse was an active shooter that killed 2 men. He had to travel to the scene of protest and there was no reason for him to be there.

The above is what the prosecutor should be able to tell the jury before they retire to formulate a verdict.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 11, 2021

Most of those people should not have been there. Protesting at night is foolish to say the least, nobody can see you in the dark of night Protesting at night is what rioters do. FACT: kyle Rittenhouse was being chased and attacked by people that ment to do him harm and take his gun. He showed up there with a medkit wanting to help people and defend private property. Most of this case is fake outrage and political for no reason.

@Tejas Yes, mommy drove him half way and they made sure he took the AR-15 and a med kit. Who in the hell would believe this little rat went there to defend private property and who would have wanted his help in the first place. I'm not buying it.

@DenoPenno if his goal was just to kill people why would he only shoot people attacking him and not just shoot into a crowd?

@Tejas I did not say his goal was to kill people. He wanted to own some Libs and have the then GOP proud of him. He and his family have Clown Disease and they do not like Libs or BLM. It was made out that these people need help but that did not mean Kyle and his med kit. It meant the ones fighting off the protestors but they did not need help or ask for help. Wake up a little bit here, Trumper.

@DenoPenno you make assumptions about me just as you do everyone else. I've never supported Trump. I just use logic unlike some

@Tejas My reply to you is how you came across to me. It does not matter. I'm done and you still believe Kyle went there to help people and I still believe he is a murderer. Pages of words on this will not change either of us in our beliefs. I'm done. You win.


The fix has been in from the Get Go . Did You see the Madness of the “judge” today against the prosecution ?

GEGR Level 7 Nov 10, 2021

That murdering, whining, piss baby went to hunt libs and he bagged him some. His mommy should be on trial with him.

BitFlipper Level 8 Nov 10, 2021

The judge wouldn't let his conversation about shooting shoplifters into the trial, etc. Judge's phone rang today, with a trumpie ring tone.

@Beowulfsfriend the judge also ruled that the victims can't be referred to as "victims" in court; they can be referred to as "rioters".

You mean he shot people chasing and attacking him one even had a gun pointing at him and one was a convicted child molester. He did a service to everyone.

@tejas oh the madness .

@Tejas he murder 2 people..MURDERED..HE SHOT ONE OF THEM IN THE BACK.., your pandering his whiteness is pathetic..He MURDERED 2 people..and was given a heroes welcome by the very White pigs ..

@Charlene what does any of this have to do with race? Literally nothing. I've seen the videos multiple times he didn't shoot anyone in the back. Why are you lying about the facts of the case?

@Tejas there eyewitnesses to him shooting 3 people..and the coroner's autopsy reports Stating the fact that he Murdered 2 people.
It has nothing to do with Race? Really? Are you so "color blind" that you can't see the it?..Rittenhouse purchased the AR-15 illegally, Mommy drives him to Kenosha, brought multiple rounds with him, "wandered" into a crowd of demonstrators, felt threated because of crowds, then shot a Black Man in the Back killing him, then shoots and and kills a White Man for chasing after him, then wounds a White man for trying to stop him..
And what was the demonstration about? Oh yeah the shooting of an Unarmed Black Man..
Your sorry attempt to Whitewash him is blatantly sir Are a Racist..

@Charlene almost none of that is correct. All 3 people shot were white. He did not purchase the gun. A coroner cannot make judgment on if it was self defense or murder. Every person he shot was attacking him, 2 had weapons. Calling me a racist because I one seem to know the facts better and 2 for disagreeing with you shows alot about your character. Protests and demonstrations should be reserved for day time where people can actually see you. Why are you assuming my gender also. You're just a pos huh?

@Tejas I have read what you have written and you are clearly racist. All of the objections you have raised are scripted objections that are used by racists all the time.

Unfortunately, most racists don't know that they are racists. It's like being stupid.

@BitFlipper nothing about what I have said is racist, not even a little bit. This case has nothing to do with race period. All of my statements are my own. What's unfortunate is I had to read your comment. I understand you lack intellect and that's OK but if at all possible can you use more than one brain cell when replying to me directly, please and thank you.

@Tejas ahhh, gee thanks for White Mansplaining how things really are in the world, I am humbled by your superior vision and intellect, awe struck by your ability to deflect and obfuscate whole sounding incicisive and rational..amazing..

@Charlene I mean thanks I guess it comes naturally. I just read and don't make things up its very easy

@Tejas it appears that the only things you read are made-up. And those are the things you choose to repeat.


Not a fucking tear was shed in this trial..a 99% white jury, a judge that cares more for the murder cause he's white..the fix is in..the Nazi Rittenhouse walks..a murderer, a Nazi..

Charlene Level 9 Nov 10, 2021

See my other post. The Judge's phone ringer went off - a Trump rally song. I'm thinking the prosecution should fuck up and get a mistrial and try for a new judge.


The little murdering brat will probably get off after his fake crying on the stand today.


How dare she have some empathy for another person.

Tejas Level 8 Nov 10, 2021

Paid empathy isn't acting as his "Tears for Fear" are crocodile tears..


Conservatives are footing the bill

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 10, 2021

The Proud Boys are footing his bill..Rodgers Stone is footing his Bill, Conservatives no longer exist, their All Fascist now..

@Charlene Still the same thugs

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