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Brian Tyler Cohen - Top Democrat goes megaviral, gives SPEECH OF THE YEAR

phxbillcee 10 Dec 2
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NASA - There's probably not a better example of government waste and incompetence than NASA. US astronauts were walking around on the moon in 1969. Today, 52 years later, we can no longer put a man on the moon.

My best friend from high school was a high-level manager at NASA:


I listened to him give a talk in 2008 about NASA's plans to go back to the moon and to mars. It was roughly:

2011 We'll go back to the moon.
2016 We'll have man on Mars.

Did we make it back to the Moon?
Did we make it to Mars?

My friend could no longer take working at NASA. He retired from NASA in 2018.

BD66 Level 8 Dec 3, 2021

The technology and manufacturing come from the private sector. When Democrats talk about "investing' in technology and manufacturing, they mean they want the government to pick winners and losers. The US government (and most other governments) are notoriously bad at picking winners and losers, so it's pretty much just money wasted. What they can do is lower corporate taxes, so our corporations can keep more of their profits and reinvest those profits in their own companies. That's a genetic algorithm (it helps the strong US companies survive and thrive) rather than a central planning approach, which is a disaster everywhere it has been tried.

BD66 Level 8 Dec 2, 2021

That's the dumbest opinion I've read all day.
NASA wasn't about picking winners and looser, and those technologies we developed for the space race is how we're communicating right now technologically.
That was all lowest bidder development.
That's not to mention government opportunities to support education, like the G.I. Bill that promotes the economy by insuring an adequate supply of technical talent and skilled workers, so it was good for business.
It was Ronald Reagan that promoted the idea of a "service" economy where everyone makes a living washing each others cars, and cutting each others hair while we sent actual manufacturing to communist countries so we could undercut labor with people that at the time were willing to work for $2.00 a day or less to benefit the CEO's, which are the new noble class as defined by the feudal system when we had a useless and odious class of do nothings called the royals.
Something uninformed people like you seem intent on our system devolving back into by supporting would be dictators like Trump.
Just because the only way you can imagine government participation in the economy is by the government taking over the economy communist style should show you how much the fascist have indoctrinated you, and lobotomized your ability to remember actual recent history.
Even FDR who did more fixing of the results of Conservative government then anyone with the possible exception of Obama did not EVER do what you claim Democrats do every time, not once.
Come back after you grow up a bit, you were a long time Christian weren't you, this is the kind of shit they like to feed their kids.
It's all lies.

@Willow_Wisp Great answer!

@Willow_Wisp Excellent.

You have to be a special kind of slow to still be touting "trickle-down economics."

@Willow_Wisp Well said

“Keep more of their profits” ? they keep ALL of their profits now and don’t pay taxes on any of it in some cases. Willow Wisp is spot on in her answer to you!

Willow Wisp bring up a number of issues. Some more valid than others. I will start multiple threads to respond to each. We'll see if Will Wisp has any in-depth knowledge, or whether she is just reeling off a bunch of talking points.

@BD66 🙄


Awesome speech

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 2, 2021

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