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LINK After momentary ‘release,’ Angola prisoner Bobby Sneed rearrested and put in local jail | The Lens

I'll try to sum this up as best I can... this man has been imprisoned at Louisiana State Penitentiary for many years. Last spring, he was finally granted parole and was just waiting for paperwork to be completed when he collapsed in a dorm and was brought to the treatment center. The prison says that he was drug tested and it was positive for meth, but the chain of custody was broken and the disciplinary board of the prison found him not guilty on that write up. There is also a note in his medical record that says he confessed to using drugs, but his nurse says she doesn't know why that's in there because he said no such thing. The parole board revoked his parole, but didn't go through the proper procedures to do so, so a judge ordered that he be released. The parole board filed an appeal and the prison refused to release him. It went back to court and a judge again ordered him released, immediately. They released him and he was IMMEDIATELY arrested and sent to the parish jail on a parole violation- you know, the supposed drug use that happened while he was still in prison, waiting to get out on parole. This is the Louisiana criminal "justice" system. It's infuriating.

JonnaBononna 7 Dec 17
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I think Louisiana justice is even worse than Texass! Horrible state!

It really is. We have more inmates serving life without parole than Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee combined, and the highest incarceration rate in the US, and therefore in the world. It's sickening. Black folks make up 32% of the population, but almost 75% of those serving life without parole, and there are about 1500 LWOP inmates who were convicted by a non unanimous jury. I'm hopeful the Louisiana Supreme Court will right that wrong soon.

@JonnaBononna Wow, I knew it was bad, but it’s much worse than I thought. What is the Supreme Court doing to right the wrongs there in Louisiana?

@Redheadedgammy well, SCOTUS did rule that non unanimous jury verdicts were unconstitutional, but they did not make that retroactive. The law allowing them had been in affect since reconstruction, and they were open about putting it in place to keep black jurors from affecting convictions- they wanted to be sure they could still convict black people. Two cases have gone before higher courts in Louisiana; one said they should not be overturned, the other said they should, so the state Supreme Court will have to take a case and decide definitively.

@JonnaBononna The racist bigots need to be taken down. Pretty sad that the ruling wasn’t retroactive for all those people locked up. I’m sure there are many innocent people in those prisons down there!

@Redheadedgammy there absolutely are. Prosecutors do what they want with no consequences.


Yup, it's the New Old South, y'all welcome, so longin y'all White..

Charlene Level 9 Dec 17, 2021

Louisiana does this no civil rights

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 17, 2021

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