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Tucker Makes Ted Cruz Walk Back Calling Jan. 6 a ‘Violent Terrorist Attack’

After Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) described the Jan. 6 riot as “a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson took to the airwaves and viciously mocked Cruz and the idea that the storming of the Capitol was an “insurrection.” Realizing this may upset Trump’s base, Cruz then went on Carlson’s show begging for forgiveness and tried to walk back his remarks, but Carlson accused Cruz of both lying and trying to portray the MAGA protestors as terrorists.

Well, we already knew Cruz didn’t have the balls to defend his wife when Trump attacked her, but now we know that Ted Cruz “won’t even defend Ted Cruz.” I mean, the poor guy finally says “one honest thing” in his life, and then he has to walk it back. Hell, Ted Cruz was begging and whining so much on Tucker’s show, it had viewers screaming “Stop the Squeal!”

That said, it was interesting to see a sitting United States Senator humiliate himself on national television, all for the enjoyment of some Fox News cable TV blowhard. Why, you can bet that the scolding Tucker gave him, might just be enough to send poor Ted off to Cancún again - to find a “safe space” to nurse to his hurt feelings. And, should anyone try and give him more slack about Cancun, he can always blame the trip on his daughter again.

Now, my question is, why would Tucker all of a sudden be defending those folks who attacked the Capitol? Especially, since he’s always claimed Jan 6 was a false flag attack, instigated by Antifa, BLM, and the FBI? Why, this new stance he’s taking might confuse a poor, half-witted Trump supporter. After all, Trumpers need to be fed simple lies, not elaborate tales, with complicated nuances in them.

Now, putting all that aside, you can always count on old Tucker to show 'em whose boss! Don't let those damn RINOs in the GOP forget who the hell they’re really working for. In the meantime, if anyone happens to come across Ted Cruz’s lost manhood - please mail it back to him. Now, you won't need to send it in a large box, just taping it to the back of a small postcard should be just fine.

And, if that doesn’t do it, then police need to put out an APB for the scoundrel who took Ted’s manhood. Unfortunately, this case may be a hard nut to crack, as there are just way too many suspects. Now, I’ll be the first to admit I’m no Ted Cruz fan. It’s just that he’s always kind of reminded me - of something that one might find, trying to eat its way out of a piece of rotten fruit.

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johnnyrobish 8 Jan 7
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Carlson's support of Hungarian fascist Viktor Orban places him squarely in the Putin-Stooge category. That shouldn't surprise anyone.

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 7, 2022

What I find most frightening is that most people are not taking this growing fascist threat seriously.


What manhood

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 7, 2022

Ted Cruz is morally bankrupt as is demonstrated by Tucker Carlson paying him 30 pieces of silver to change his story.


Tucker Carlson is a traitor to the American ideal. Tucker Carlson values authoritarianism. Tucker Carlson is a dismal apology for a human being.


Cruz is a worm...

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 7, 2022

Ted Cruz Sure Is A Weird Little Online Freak - SOME MORE NEWS

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