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LINK Corporate Journalists are Blind to a Big COVID Lesson | Ted Rall's Rallblog

One of my complaints about mainstream media is that they recruit reporters from inside the establishment—Ivy League colleges, expensive graduate journalism programs, rival outlets with similar hiring practices. Rich kids believe in the system and they accept its basic assumptions. A fully-integrated national healthcare database would be a powerful side benefit of a national healthcare system like Medicare For All. But how likely is Bernie Sanders’ pet project to cross the mind of a writer who graduated from UPenn and Oxford and has a gold health insurance plan provided by her employer, who is Jeff Bezos?

altschmerz 9 Jan 18
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On point,

glennlab Level 10 Jan 18, 2022


bobwjr Level 10 Jan 18, 2022

We grow more dystopian sad to watch hardworking people buy into a dream permanently out of their reach.
It's the same old story of Daddys money will fix it for me..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 18, 2022

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