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The Young Turks - Right-Winger On Ventilator Blames Dems, BLM, China For COVID

phxbillcee 10 Jan 19
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Whatever you think about this man on a ventilator with Covid and his awful words, try this experiment. Imagine he is Donald Trump when you hear his words. Once you do this it all goes into a proper perspective. Not true of course, but typical Donald Trump "stir it up" type of propaganda.

DenoPenno Level 9 Jan 20, 2022

vaccinationErm, what?
Does this guy have "in" and "out" written on the tops of his shoes so he can look down and be reminded to breathe?
He believes covid19 is a hoax, while at the same time being a bio-weapon. That vaccinations don't work because he didn't take one and then caught the fake disease anyway, so that proves it? He thinks BLM and Antifa are in a conspiracy against him personally and gave him a disease that doesn't exits because lying doctor say it does, presumably by black magic and his recovering is proof of god's power.
Oh yes and of course demonocrats are responsible for all of it anyway, BLM, Antifa, covid, vacination and anti-vaxxers, black magic, bio-weapons and hoaxes, flat earthers, round earthers, evilution lies, January 6th, the tooth fairy, the last three star wars movies, Eric Trump and vegan bacon!!!!!!!


If he was on a ventilator he would perforce STFU.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Jan 19, 2022

Shut up and Die already douche bag..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 19, 2022

I don’t understand the logic here. If you actually believe that China and, for some reason Joe Biden (who wasn’t even in office when the pandemic broke out) is responsible for some sort of manufactured bioweapon, why won’t you protect yourself with the vaccine that was developed with funds allocated by the Trump administration and taken by President Trump himself?

I’ve yet to meet anyone who can figure out the trumpers.

Let me help. As a child, he was pushed down the stairs and suffered a brain injury. Bad news is? His mother did it.

@PondartIncbendog You may be right about that! 😉

@Redheadedgammy And I don't blame her.


What a brain dead asshole.


As Bugs Bunny says, "What a maroon."


Suffer in silence…

Canndue Level 8 Jan 19, 2022
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