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Ohio Republican Mayor Warns Ice Fishing Leads to Prostitution

Republican Mayor Craig Shubert of Hudson, Ohio, who last fall started a huge controversy by demanding every school board member in his city resign, or be criminally charged with disseminating child pornography after high school students taking a class for college credit, which included exercises encouraging students to write stories or essays they would not share with their parents - was interpreted by Mayor Shubert as promoting “child pornography.” Now, this week during a Hudson city council meeting, Mayor Shubert took a strong stance against ice fishing in a local park, pointing out that “If you open this up to ice fishing, while on the surface it sounds good, then what happens next year? Does someone come back and say, ‘I want an ice shanty for X-amount of time?” he asked referring to the use of portable shelters for ice fishing. He then added “And, if you then allow ice fishing with shanties, then that leads to another problem — prostitution,” he continued. “And now you’ve got the police chief and the police department involved.”

Wow, Mayor Shubert’s ice fishing stories are enough to really give you the chills. I mean, who knew sitting over a freezing cold hole in the ice on some frozen lake, could make one’s mind turn to romance? Of course, who am I to make fun of it all? Hell, I’m originally from northern Ohio myself, and that might just describe how I was conceived.

Now, I did a little ice fishing myself back when I was in high school, and I have to say I’ve hooked onto some pretty weird shit, but I’ve never “hooked a hooker.” I guess in Ohio, prostitutes are an “aquatic species.” All I can say is, I must’ve been using the wrong bait! Wonder if the Ohio Department of Fish and Game has put a limit on how many hookers you can catch this year? Might have to throw some of them back in.

That said, I really can’t see how “ice fishing” can be linked to prostitution, unless you’re looking for “blowfish.” Besides, since the video of this meeting went viral, many experts are now saying they think the mayor has it all wrong, and they’re pretty sure that it’s “prostitution that leads to ice fishing.” Anyway, whatever the case, angry ice fishermen left the meeting yelling “Mayor Shubert can kiss my bass!” And, you know what, I suspect the mayor might enjoy that.

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johnnyrobish 8 Feb 10
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Yup, I know I always want a SW with a frozen hole..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 10, 2022

"Ohio, we aren't Florida or Texas, but we try."


Craig Shubert is a dangerous raving lunatic.

anglophone Level 9 Feb 10, 2022

he can take it in the bass

glennlab Level 10 Feb 10, 2022
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