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Defiant Capitol Rioter Says He’s ‘Willing to Die’ in Pre-Trial Statement

MAGA Capitol rioter and Three Percenters militia member Guy Reffitt, who became infamous for threatening to shoot his own children if they became “traitors” and turned him in, issued a defiant jailhouse statement just prior to his first court appearance next week - stating that he is fully prepared to take a bullet in the battle to save America against Hillary and Biden’s “New World Order.”

Gee, this Reffitt fellow sure seems like a really nice guy who has definitely learned his lesson. Anyway, Reffitt claims in his statement that “I am prepared to stare down the barrel of tyranny, to receive the bullet of freedom.” Now, I don’t know anything about all that, but I do know this is a guy who really needs to work on his metaphors. Speaking of which, I wonder if he’d prefer that that bullet he’s willing to take - be hallow? You know, just like his head? Here’s hoping he decides to represent himself in court.

That said, we get it. Reffitt is basically boasting to his fellow militia member comrades that he’s ready to die in the name of “fascism and white supremacy.” Well, all I can say to that is - “OK, that works for us, but hold on a second, and I’ll try and hook you up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.” Now, if there were only one question I could ask our old pal Guy Reffitt here, I suppose it would be “have you ever considered selling your own line of pillows?”

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johnnyrobish 8 Feb 26
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Why is it that most of these assholes are fat white morons? 🤣🤣🤣

@Garban Yes, thank goodness there are some white guys who have their shit together!!

Their not all fat white morons, some are not fat.

@glennlab you’re right Glenn, I stand corrected! 😉

Glenn - Haha!


Happy to oblige…consider it urban renewal

Canndue Level 8 Feb 26, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen "father of the year."


What can I say? Nuts! Typical moron Trump follower. One can only hope they give him real jail time like an enemy of the state deserves.


I think he needs a padded cell and a straight-jacket, just to protect his children.

racocn8 Level 9 Feb 26, 2022

his soon to be ex wife is trying to arrange that.

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